It’s time to blow up houses in Star Wars Galaxies Legends – plus the devs just upgraded PvP and the engine


OK, so you’re not really destroying houses with Star Wars Galaxies Legends’ housing pack-up event. I mean, yes, you’re calling in an airstrike on abandoned buildings, and it does look as if you’re blowing them up, but no actual property is harmed, I can assure you. Lapsed players will simply find their structures packed up into their datapads when next they return. All they’re losing is the ground they were sitting on, and there’s plenty to go around.

The return of the housing demolition event is part of the rogue server’s latest update, which has plenty more to it than airstrike rewards and newly opened property (ahem). The player devs have patched in multiple player-senate-backed resolutions, including two new PvP maps (Lost Bunkers and Trandoshan Slaver Camp), multifaction battlefields separate from the Galactic Civil War, and smart-queueing for large groups of PvPers. We also spy some heavy changes for the client.

“We’ve modernised the tooling and libraries used to build the game client, simplifying maintenance and future updates for the dev team,” the devs say. “This update brings a range of enhancements and optimizations to the game client’s rendering engine” – including improvements to the caching of particle effects, terrain generation over higher distances, animated mesh rendering, and more graphical processing offloaded to player GPUs (to free up the CPU).

Source: Patch notes
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