Tencent is plunging onward with Tarisland development: Last week, we got an abbreviated roadmap consisting of, well, December its winter event layout, but today, the company has released a dev blog addressing what it characterizes as the community’s most pressing issues. To wit:
- Tencent says it will be revamping raid leaderboards for speedrun and floor race; adjusted ranking rules are coming in December – sans bugs, ideally.
- The company says it is “reviewing class performance data from dungeons and the arena every two weeks” to decide how to balance classes in PvE and PvP going forward.
- While battleground schedules are locked in, the team is changing up the 3v3 arena schedule “to concentrate the PvP playerbase” and lower queue times.
- In response to player requests to make the first season content playable longer, Tencent says it’s considering it: “In the short term, we plan to bring back certain S0 events, such as the Food Festival. Regarding S0 raids, we’re carefully planning their reintroduction.”
- Traders, heads-up: “In the near term, we plan to merge trade centers across different servers within the same region to increase market liquidity and item circulation.”
- And then Tencent points back to the short-term roadmap. “Moving forward, we’ll post more frequently about content updates, event plans, and bug fixes in the community to keep everyone better informed,” it says. No details on what that will look like or when that’s happening.
Finally, we must note here that apparently not that many people bothered with the season raids, however.
“Looking at our S0 data, we observed that overall raid completion rates were actually quite low,” Tencent admits. “Epic raids like Archdruid, Spider Queen, and Blight Dragon had completion rates below 20%.” Hardcore players have multiple outlets, but casuals, not so much, so the company will address that: “For S1, we aim to create more accessible content, allowing casual players and pickup groups to complete raids and earn rewards more easily.” The team also says it will “incorporate more solo player activities in [its] community events to ensure individual players feel equally included and engaged.”