Marvel Rivals has sprung its Spring Festival – yes, in January, what

Sure. Great.

Most human sports were created more or less in the space when humanity decided that we needed a way of having fun contests where nobody really beat each other up, but Marvel Rivals is all about superheroes beating up other superheroes in a video game. But the Spring Festival that starts on January 23rd is taking things in a different direction by having players compete in a 3v3 game to kick a ball into a goal instead of opening fire. Hey, Star-Lord, Black Widow, and Iron Fist look like they’re having fun.

The characters in question also all get Asian-inspired costumes to go along with the game mode, and the Clashing Lions game mode will launch alongside a gallery card customization event. There’s also a Spider-Man 2 bundle hitting the game on January 30th to celebrate that game launching on PC, although that’s less of a festival element and more just cross-promotion. And if you’re going to point out that late January is not spring… just enjoy kicking a ball around. It’s cold enough, don’t you want to pretend it’s warm? Play along.

Source: Press release
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