Are you playing Embers Adrift to craft equipment and then chew on said equipment? Well, the bad news is that the crafting overhaul in the latest patch does not in any way confer the ability to chew on equipment except in your head. The good news is that the overhaul in question does bring all of the game’s crafting professions in line with current itemization, also allowing better coverage of levels and gear needs. The new crafting changes are pretty extensive, including making all basic crafted gear higher quality and normalized durations for crafted food.
Of special note is the game’s new compass. “A rudimentary compass has been added to the UI. It can be unreliable at times due to the varying magnetic fields around Ember elements but should provide a bit of direction,” Stormhaven says. “Note that this UI element can be disabled in the interface options, and moved while holding the Move UI keybind. We will likely be iterating on the size/position/layout of this in the coming weeks.”
And there’s further good news because players can now add chat macros, so you can macro a statement about chewing on all the equipment you just crafted. This all goes hand-in-hand with allowing players to use two different Alchemy cooldowns, as well as changes to how weapon stats work. In summary? Better crafted items and more reason to craft. And also chat macros! And a better sense of direction! And did you remember the game is currently free to play? The patch notes remind you of that, too.