If you’ve been anxiously awaiting the Stars Reach Kickstarter – or just watching how it goes – then you probably know it was supposed to launch yesterday. You might also have noticed it didn’t. That’s apparently because Playable Worlds delayed it at almost the last minute.
During an impromptu Discord fireside chat over the weekend, marketing boss Rick “Carneros” Reynolds revealed that the Kickstarter launch, originally announced for February 10th, has been pushed off to next week, and he says the team aims to rope in more testers first and is working on expanding capacity for those players. We couldn’t find the announcement anywhere else in print, for some reason, so bless the YouTubers for recording the live chat.
“We really, really want as many people as possible to get in and touch the game and try it before the Kickstarter campaign,” Carneros said. “We’re moving our goal post – we’re moving the start of the Kickstarter out a bit. It’s not this coming week. It’s probably the week after, but we don’t have a date yet. We’re giving ourselves some more time. And secondly, we’re adjusting our playtests, so for the next two weeks they are less of playtests and more of previews. We’re going to get people in faster in smaller chunks.”
Whether one week is enough to make a difference in hearts and minds remains to be seen, of course.
“With all of the buzz Stars Reach has had, the message has been clear–people want to play this game. We decided that it was important to get more players to see Stars Reach for themselves before our Kickstarter launches. After all, Stars Reach is a playable game now and if gamers get to experience it first hand, we’ll build your trust in supporting our Kickstarter. So, we are delaying the launch of our Kickstarter (just a bit!) to get more of you hands-on access to Stars Reach.”
Playable Worlds says it’s boosted capacity, added more test sessions, and expanded its invitations. It also reminds players that it’s still dispatching test invites to players who sign up for the Kickstarter and social media and then send it a screenshot of both.