Last Epoch delays Tombs of the Erased to April 17 to avoid competing with Path of Exile 2’s April 4 update

You're so last epoch.

If you are living in the larger ecosystem of what one may term “Diablo-likes,” there is currently a very big and very heavy gorilla that no one wants to compete with. And that game is obviously… Path of Exile 2. What else would it be? Last Epoch clearly thinks so because the developers have announced that the game’s next update and season will be delayed until April 17th. And we’re not really just speculating that the delay is due to POE2; the announcement (and the date) all but says so. Last Epoch’s Tombs of the Erased was originally meant to come out on April 2nd, while Grinding Gear just announced Dawn of the Hunt for April 4th. It’s not hard math.

To be fair, Eleventh Hour Games doesn’t specifically name the game, but it seems very aware that fans might not see the latest season because they’re enmeshed in a different game, so the team is spacing things out a bit more. Whether or not the delay is significant enough to change a critical mass of players remains to be seen, but the obvious intention is to minimize competition for attention. And fans of the genre get two cakes and time to enjoy both of them! Everybody wins.

Source: Twitter
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