World of Warcraft adds the Scarlet Enclave raid in Season of Discovery phase 8, coming April 8

hashtag changes, always changes

We’re just going to head off one piece of speculation at the pass: The real Scarlet Crusade was decidedly not the friends you made along the way in World of Warcraft. That having been said, the organization does get to take center stage in phase 8 of WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery, with new open-world content leading players toward the town of New Avalon to pursue a legendary weapon for Hunters, Paladins, and Warriors. You can also learn new recipes, pursue new quests, gain the trust of the citizens, and generally do all sorts of undercover skullduggery with the phase’s arrival on April 8th.

That’ll change once the Scarlet Enclave raid opens up on April 10th, which is decidedly not underhanded but rather very directly about kicking down the front door and beating up eight bosses as you take out the Crusade’s leadership. Whole lot of the number eight cropping up here, huh? Does that mean anything? Not really, but it sure is an interesting coincidence.

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