Warframe takes the stage once again with the new Techrot Encore patch

Possibly like a hurricane.

It’s a well-known fact that when a musician asks the crowd if they are ready to rock, the only correct answer is an enthusiastic yes, and Warframe‘s latest patch is asking you if you are ready to rock. The Techrot Encore has arrived, bringing with it new infested nemeses in the form of corrupted Techrot clones of the band On-Lyne. Spark these enemies to anger in order to pick up new emotes, valuable new infested weapons, and the glory that comes along with taking apart a boy band. (Or an evil clone of one.)

To help you do exactly that, the patch adds the game’s 60th Warframe, the glam-rock-inspired Temple, alongside new Scaldra-themed weaponry. There’s also a new deluxe Gyre skin, new Scaldra outfits for the Drifter, and so many system changes that we can’t fit all of them into a single news post. But the developers can fit them all into the patch notes, so get back on stage and rock out once again.

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