Lost Ark takes a closer look at the design process behind the Wildsoul class


Last month brought another new class to Lost Ark in the form of the Wildsoul, the shapeshifting magical character that already had a deep-dive leading up to its launch. But how about a closer look at how it was designed? Would you like to read that? How hungry are you for Wildsoul information?

Yes, the recently released class has gotten another highlight with the devs of Smilegate RPG, which talks about the lore behind the class’ abilities, design decisions around the Wildsoul’s visual and audio design, and a bit more about the transformation switching gameplay that was developed for it.

Obviously none of this will provide major reveals for regular players of the MMOARPG, but anyone curious about how the Wildsoul came to be can be well served here in order to pass the time until March’s self-described lighter patch.

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