Pantheon lays out a roadmap of content goals for 2025 and beyond, starting with next week’s PvP servers


Visionary Realms released its 2025 roadmap for Pantheon last night, committing to “releasing new content every six to eight weeks.”

In the short term, the devs are focused on the new PvP servers (coming April 2nd), followed by the already-announced server consolidation and PvE rules, class abilities and quests, level 40 gear, new content, and mounts and taming. VR is also teasing a large range of dungeon and raid content, as well as kind of a long list of systems updates.

“This roadmap reflects our best, most efficient path to achieving the v1 release of Pantheon,” the devs say. “The order of delivery might not be everyone’s preferred priorities, but we are confident it is the best plan to bring us to launch. If we acquire more resources, we are prepared to accelerate our progress even further. We will share the 2026 roadmap at a later date.”

Players on Twitter specifically asked about the game’s proper launch, which was originally planned for the end of 2026; devs suggest the launch is likewise “dependent on current resources and rate of revenue” and that “2026 is a target, but has dependencies.”

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