Phantasy Star Online 2 is getting a new mecha-themed class in Japan

Test me.

Now that Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to North America (really, they mean it this time, until they don’t), it feels a little more pertinent to check on what the game’s Japanese version is up to. The title recently had an anniversary event over in Japan, and the developers announced a new class arriving in the game with a special trial event coming around in October.

So what is the class? It’s called the Etoile (which is “star” in French), and it seems to have a very mecha look and feel to it, and… well, that’s all we know right now. There’s not much information beyond that; the trailer shows off pretty standard beam-y sword-y stuff without any actual combat, and beyond the title calling it the “third power” there’s nothing to do but speculate. Still, it seems like something that will be fun to play around with soon for those playing the Japanese version and to look forward to when that Western launch actually happens next year.

Source: MMO Culture
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