With The Witch Queen expansion of Destiny 2 now just weeks away, Bungie seems eager to open the informational floodgates. One of the largest info dumps is related to the expansion’s updates to Void subclasses. Readers will recall the devs of the looter shooter touched on these changes before, but this latest preview provides significantly more detail.
The preview post outlines the six different debuff types Void subclasses can apply, video and text previews of each class’ adjusted or new supers, breakdowns of class-specific Aspects that do things like empower certain grenades or summon a void soul, and new selectable Fragments that alter a character’s stats.
Meanwhile, this week’s newsletter offers more information about the new legendary difficulty campaign, detailing difficulty scaling features that adjust based on fireteam size, power level caps intended to level the playing field, and the rewards that await those who take on the challenge. “To set difficulty expectations, the Legendary campaign is designed to be harder than a Legend Nightfall, though it is easier than a solo dungeon or running a Grandmaster Nightfall,” the post explains.