Star Citizen takes a closer look at alpha 3.20’s Arena Commander updates
Ashes of Creation fights a giant cyclops in its latest Alpha Two preview
Star Citizen maps out Arena Commander updates for alpha 3.20, leading to mixed reaction from players
CIG raises prices on Star Citizen ships, confirms Squadron 42’s removal from sale for an ‘expected price change’
Embers Adrift highlights its recently released Flooded Ruins update with new video and upcoming livestreams
Dual Universe answers player questions about PvE content planned for Update 1.4
No, we didn’t write a ‘testimonial review’ supporting Kickstarter MMO Magic to Master
Star Citizen engages its updated Jumptown event as players call out ongoing problems with alpha 3.19
Book of Travels is almost ready to switch from bug and performance fixes to new content
Fractured Online opens its data migration tool to let previous players carry their account information over
Star Citizen debuts the RSI Lynx luxury rover and the Tumbril Storm tank
Richard Garriott’s NFT-based MMO, Iron & Magic, appears to have vanished already
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen dates June pre-alpha and talks about designing its healer classes
Zenith unleashes a bug fix-filled patch for its latest content update
Embers Adrift discusses player feedback and moderation while preparing events for its free weekend
Fractured Veil shares Unreal Engine visual upgrades, peeks at new equipment, and confirms testing delay
Dual Universe outlines improvements coming to its Lua scripting language in Update 1.4
Star Citizen debuts the new Mirai Fury scramble fighter in latest video
Elite Dangerous’ latest patch applies further bug fixes and better reflects when the Thargoids are beaten
Whatever happened to Star Citizen’s Squadron 42? Well, you can’t buy it right now
Embers Adrift tees up another free-play weekend starting June 2
Star Citizen alpha 3.19 launches with mining and salvage updates, new tutorial, and new PvP event
Whatever happened to Legends of Aria aka Britaria? (2023 edition)
Ethyrial Echoes of Yore’s reset descends into chaos with new bugs, tanking reviews, and lead dev’s partial withdrawal
Zenith vows more polish and a faster cadence with ‘updates every 2-3 weeks’