Do you remember back in the day when you were very excited to have Deathwing blow up a good chunk of World of Warcraft? Possibly with a bit of apprehension, but hey, it’s not like the game will release a bad expansion, right? Well, you’ll be getting the prelude to that on April 30th when WoW Classic officially begins its Cataclysm era with the pre-patch for the game’s third expansion, followed by the full expansion launch on May 20th.
The pre-patch will of course include the shattering of Azeroth (which is the exact event that WoW Classic was meant to reverse, something that’s important to remember every time because it is very funny) along with the addition of Worgen and Goblins to player races. There are also new talent trees and the updated talent mechanics to utilize, although the new high-level zones and dungeons will not be accessible until the full launch. Either way, you have the rest of the month to get ready for the world going all ker-shatter around you.