Bree Royce
Valiance Online seeks developers
Want a job? Silver Helm Studios has posted a notice today declaring that it's looking for remote developers on its City of Heroes-influenced indie superhero MMORPG...
Daybreak constricts gamemasters in EQ and EQII
A Massively Overpowered reader named Nick recently alerted us to a new EverQuest II customer support policy he'd been sent in-game in response to...
Elder Scrolls Online releases update 6 trailer
Elder Scrolls Online's huge update 6 patch went live last night, but the celebration begins today. ZeniMax has released a new video exploring all...
The factionless WoW player dings level 100
World of Warcraft Shaman Doubleagent made headlines a year ago for leveling his Pandaren up to 80 and then 90 without ever choosing a faction. Now...
The Repopulation’s silver early access package is now 15 bucks
If you've been curious about upcoming sci-fi sandbox The Repopulation's ongoing early access alpha, there's never been a cheaper time to buy in, literally,...
Glitch-revival MMO Eleven posts under-the-hood video
Are you keeping an eye on Eleven, one of the two Glitch revival projects that have received Tiny Speck's blessing? It's posted a new...
World of Warcraft is getting gold and gametime transfer tokens
Blizzard has just announced that it's introducing a gold-and-gametime transfer token to World of Warcraft. Dubbing the currency the "WoW Token," Blizz writes,
Players will be...
The Daily Grind: What’s one MMO wish you deeply regret?
It's jumping.
Guild Wars players whined and moaned about not being able to jump in the classic game ad nauseam. Jumping increases our immersions and...
MMO Week in Review: March 1, 2015
Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review!
The Daily Grind: Do you get MMO event fatigue?
Based on how many awards it won last year and how many Massively OP writers and guildies have been sucked into it, I know...
Kickstarter Overpowered: Week three, PAX, and Mo
The Massively Overpowered Kickstarter campaign is nearing $69K with over 1500 backers -- we're still blown away by that! We've got just a week...
Betawatch: February 27, 2015
Skyforge announced its upcoming closed beta schedule this week; expect the first round to begin on March 11th. You can ensure a spot in the...
Here are the progression servers up for vote in EverQuest
Classic EverQuest's dev team casually announced last week that it has plans for new progression servers, signalling that at least Daybreak isn't planning on...
Star Trek Online players request in-game Spock memorial
Saddened by the passing of Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy this morning, players of Cryptic Studios' Star Trek Online MMORPG have petitioned the game's creators...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most successful MMO do-over?
Yesterday's revelation that Final Fantasy XIV is up to four million registered accounts globally (not counting trials, Square insists!) is impressive to me not...
Massively Overthinking: Impressions of Crowfall
We've got crows on the brain this week since Crowfall launched its Kickstarter. As of this afternoon, the game is just about 100k shy of...
Guild Wars 2 will implement first-person POV in March
File this one under things we didn't see coming: ArenaNet has just announced that it will fulfill a long-running fan request by adding a first-person point-of-view...
The Daily Grind: What canceled MMO do you wish had been made?
MMO players are forever bemoaning the overabundance of fantasy titles in our genre. But truthfully, we have lots of sci-fi and zombies games nowadays too....
Champions Online is fiddling with costume prices
Champions Online is still alive! How do we know? It's fiddling with its cash shop prices come March 5th. A forum post explains the...
Non-combat sandbox Wander reveals new video
Remember Wander, the unique, upcoming sandbox that eschews combat for exploration? Creator Loki Davison has posted a new video for the game today along...