Chris Neal

Wolfy is totally a pink wolf and not someone who just adores his avatar so much that he's lost touch with reality. He's been playing games since the days of Atari 2600 and when PCs had to be booted up in a specific sequence. He can be found in a variety of different MMOs and multiplayer games, including Final Fantasy XIV, Dauntless, Black Desert, and many others.

Blizzard launches digital trading cards celebrating 30 years and a games engineering program

For 30 years, Blizzard has been making a variety of games, and the studio is commemorating the different titles and the characters that have...
I hate so much about the ways you choose to be.

Fortnite’s profit donation efforts have already raised $50M for Ukrainian aid

A couple of days ago we reported on some philanthropic efforts on the part of Epic Games, which announced that it's committing all profits...

Crowfall promises shorter and more intense Dregs campaigns and a long-term roadmap in the future

There are still things being done in Crowfall. We examined where the PvP MMO sits this past February after developer ArtCraft sold the game...

Tour the sights of Elite Dangerous’ galaxy with this videographer highlight video

Space in Elite: Dangerous can be cold, lonely, and dangerous, but it can also be beautiful. Finding sights and vistas is one of the...

PlanetSide 2’s Oshur continent arrives to PS4 players today

It's been a very long time in coming, but at long last players of PlanetSide 2 on the PlayStation 4 (yes, they clearly still...

EVE Online begins testing changes to upwell structure defenses and ships, adds a feature preview opt-in function

While EVE Online is continuing to flap excitedly at the upcoming Fanfest event and all of its planned reveals, there are still adjustments to...

Old School RuneScape Guardians of the Rift bug necessitates server rollback

Care to play a minigame? If you're a Runecrafter in Old School RuneScape, you very likely have been for a while as the devs...

Massive Apex Legends leak uncovers multiple new characters, maps, and weapons

There are leaks, and then there's the digital version of a dam breaking. The latter appears to be the case for battle royale shooter...

Dual Universe’s Athena update hits PTS March 31, will be the last major update before launch

There's some doubly intriguing news for followers of the space building sandbox Dual Universe out this week: The game's upcoming Athena update is entering...
We have Thanos at home.

Activision-Blizzard shareholders will vote on whether to allow Microsoft’s buyout April 28

We all had to know that the process of Microsoft buying out Activision-Blizzard wasn't going to happen quickly or elegantly, and that's not even...

Elite Dangerous deploys an Update 11 hotfix that adds more bartender materials and fixes Protect missions

There's nothing more lovely to see for many than a well-stocked bar, and owners of Fleet Carriers in Elite: Dangerous are getting something like...

Elyon announces PvP flagging, new classes, new instances, progression system tweaks, and more

This year is apparently going to be bringing a whole bunch of content to Elyon. A video letter from the game's producer discusses new...

Choose My Adventure: Why does The Secret World feel so bad to play?

The Secret World is a good game. A great one, even. It’s worthy of all of the praise and adoration it gets from its...

New World bans over 500 players for duping and explains its luck system

New World is once more sweeping up the pieces of another broken update. Readers will recall that the game's Heart of Madness update introduced...

Vampiric survival sandbox V Rising gears up for closed beta this week

It's time to get fitted for your best gothic cape and line up some of your favorite baroque tunes: V Rising, the survival sandbox...

Star Conflict starts a new multi-stage event that rewards a new spaceship in the Way of the Warrior update

It's time to take part in the latest event of space-based MMO Star Conflict. So long as you pay for access to it, of...

Profane showcases new customization options and releases an updated roadmap

What will your character look like in the PvP sandbox of Profane? According to one of the game's latest Twitter threads, you're going to...

MechWarrior Online adds the Emerald Vale map and Bloodname ‘Mechs in latest update

There's been a new update to the online multiplayer of MechWarrior Online, bringing some new stuff for players to check out, and one of...

RuneScape seeks retro skin ideas and applies fixes to the Herby Werby activity

Breathe easy, RuneScape fans; the Herby Werby Distraction and Diversion has been officially fixed this week. The patch has made updates to the MMORPG's...

PlanetSide 2 begins public testing of its massive Arsenal Update

PlanetSide 2 is getting a huge Arsenal Update, and it's so big the devs at Daybreak's Rogue Planet Games are eager to show it...