
The softer, gentler side of MMORPG life. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Right, right, space. We're in it.

Elite Dangerous adjusts overlapping hotspots and tritium performance

Fleet carriers are big and they cause balance issues in Elite Dangerous. Not unfixable ones, mind you; just ones that have to be adjusted...

Red Dead Online opens up two new legendary coyotes for players to hunt

Inside of you there are two wolves. Inside of Red Dead Online there are two legendary coyotes. What you should do is get the...

Leaderboard: Why do you ‘work’ in MMORPGs?

A while back, WAPO put up a piece called Why do we enjoy games that make us work? Proficiency, control, fairness, escape. This is a topic...
Inside of you are two... wait, I already used that joke today.

Aion outlines its balance update in the wake of Shadows of Balaurea

There is not a great deal of new content in the next patch for Aion in North America. There is some, of course; for...

GDC Summer 2020: Better living, climate awareness, and citizen science through games

Way back during GDC 2018, I covered several panels relating to gaming for good. Things like citizen science projects, games as medicine or for...

Massively Overthinking: Jumping the shark in MMOs

I'm sure those few people out there still bearing a grudge over the Rune-keeper would disagree with me, but one of the things that...
Stored knowledge.

Final Fantasy XIV states more housing plots are on the way for patch 5.4

Back in March, Final Fantasy XIV's developers turned off the housing demolition timers due to the ongoing global pandemic, so no one has to...

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs with ‘rested experience’ in mind?

Let's talk about rested experience in online games this morning. MMOs call them all sorts of things, but World of Warcraft's has stuck the...

Chronicles of Spellborn’s rogue server makes a sizeable balance pass and adjustment update

It looks like the stewards of the rogue server for Chronicles of Spellborn have been extremely busy. In a now-deleted but digitally recovered post...
In the summer, in the city.

Grand Theft Auto Online’s latest update brings summer fun, Los Santos style

When you think of summer fun, do you think of armed felonies? It's kind of a thing in Grand Theft Auto Online, you know,...

Path of Exile confirms that Harvest mechanics will not be coming to the base game… at least not yet

The current limited-time challenge league in Path of Exile seems to be rather popular with its more deterministic approach to crafting, so it definitely...

GDC Summer 2020: Creating kinder digital communities outside of online games

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've found that being familiar with online communities and tech has really helped me survive...
Ah... huh.

Bless Unleashed is heading to PlayStation 4 with a closed beta already planned for next week

You could be forgiven for assuming that Bless Unleashed would have no truck with any sort of successful reception, given its pedigree. But expanding...

City of Heroes Homecoming confirms NCsoft talks continue, plans new name, domain, and launcher

Of all the City of Heroes rogue servers to spring up over the last year in the wake of the 2019 reveal that the...
Money dollars.

The Daily Grind: What moments do you feel people have missed if they haven’t played your favorite MMOs?

When we try to sell people on MMOs, we naturally talk about systems or mechanics. If I wanted to convince someone to play World...
Not pictured: earrings.

Black Desert revamps Padix Island, brings out a Glimmering Earring, and starts a beach party for beer

It's Wednesday, and that means it's patch day for Black Desert, and in this case that also means you can head down to Terrmian...
Oh, kai.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off the Moonfire Faire and plans for more Yo-kai Watch crossover fun

It feels like just yesterday that Final Fantasy XIV had a major update full of things for players to do... probably because it was...

Phantasy Star Online 2 celebrates one million players with Persona collab and bonus week

Since its western release earlier this year, Phantasy Star Online 2 is fast becoming known for two things: surprise announcements and weird crossovers. We've...

Magic: Legends unveils the mechanics and design of the Necromancer class

What is a necromancer to you, aside from "a healer who shows up very late to the party"? If you're familiar with Magic: the...

DDO Wayfinder players are getting even more boosts and refunds following three-week rollback

Last week, Dungeons and Dragons Online players were dismayed to learn that they hadn't quite escaped all the horrors of the LOTRO downtime last...