
Hands-on, first impressions, and preview coverage. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

RuneScape’s big 2016 plans include an expansion and graphics upgrade

RuneScape has a lot of years under its belt, and a lot of content under its hood. In fact, it's 15 for the former,...

Jagex announces RuneScape: Idle Adventures

You know those moments when you are dying to get your RuneScape fix but you aren't anywhere near your computer? When you just need...

Hands-on with The Division’s beta: From character creation to Dark Zone PvP

A couple of weekends back, I -- like many other players -- took part in the beta weekend for Ubisoft's upcoming MMO shooter, The...

Massively OP’s sneak peek of Atlas Reactor, Trion’s turn-based strategy MOBA

I first experienced Atlas Reactor just before Trion made its big announcement at the PAX Prime party last summer. At the time, I didn’t...

Chaos Theory: In The Secret World, membership has its benefits

By now, you've probably heard me mention a time or three that The Secret World overhauled its membership benefits and loyalty rewards. As a...

Choose My Adventure: Blade & Soul’s school of hard knocks (and mysterious, potentially deadly curses)

Hello friends, and welcome to week two of the February series of Choose My Adventure. For those of you who are just tuning in,...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 10 impressions

I can't lie: The fact that BioWare took nearly seven hours longer to launch the next chapter of Star Wars: The Old Republic than...

Choose My Adventure: Entering the fray in Blade & Soul

Hello, friends, and welcome to a spankin' new series of Choose My Adventure. This month, I'm going to be diving into NCSoft's wuxia-inspired Blade &...

Choose My Adventure: Brewing disaster in Shroud of the Avatar

Hello, friends, and welcome to the final (belated) installment of Choose My Adventure: Shroud of the Avatar edition. Last week, I asked y'all to...

Bebopping through ArcheAge’s Bloodsong update with Trion

Sometimes the wait for new content is made worse when you see another region enjoying it long before you can. That's how I've felt...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Shatterer Unleashed

In the last edition of Flameseeker Chronicles, I discussed the Guild Wars 2 Winter 2016 update that releases today in great detail, so I'm really...

Hands-on with HEX: Chronicles of Entrath’s PvE

What do you know about HEX: Shards of Fate? If you've ever played it, probably more than me. But what do you know about...
Much like TERA, having a discussion about this game's attitude towards women is mostly a matter of shaking your head in exasperation.

Leaderboard: What’s your opinion of Blade & Soul, one week in?

On Friday, we updated our beta impressions of Blade & Soul with fresh impressions after a week of play, and the underlying theme of...

Blade & Soul impressions from around the MMO blogosphere

It's probably no surprise to anyone that Blade & Soul managed to rope in a lot of excited fans and curious casuals this past...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...

Chaos Theory: Figuring out The Secret World in 2016

Behind you, it's totally dark and the way has closed off. There's simply no going back. Up ahead, everything is in shadows. You creep...

Choose My Adventure: Exploring Shroud of the Avatar’s (not so) open wilds

Hello, friends, and welcome to the penultimate installment of Choose My Adventure: Shroud of the Avatar. Last week, in addition to giving the game's...

Choose My Adventure: In which my Shroud of the Avatar plans are foiled

Hello friends, and welcome to the next installment of the Shroud of the Avatar edition of Choose My Adventure. Last week, as I'm sure...

Choose My Adventure: Trying on the Shroud of the Avatar

Hello friends, and welcome to the new year's first installment of Choose My Adventure. As you may have noticed, I took a bit of...

First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test, part two: Crafting, gathering, and economy

On Friday, I took a look at the classes, combat, and tricky mechanics of upcoming sandboxy Korean-import Black Desert's first western closed beta test....