The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best bard?
A player on Reddit recently asked one of the most pressing questions in the MMO genre today: "Where can I find a fun Bard-like...
WRUP: Cliffs Notes
Welcome back to What Are You Playing, the game where we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell us who's getting...
Kickstarter Overpowered: Week two’s new video
The Massively Overpowered Kickstarter campaign is now half over: two weeks in, two weeks left to go. We're tickled to now have over 1400...
Massively Overthinking: The best MMOs for duoing
A Massively Overpowered reader by the name of DaBruuzer posed a great question to the team, one I thought we'd have a better time answering as...
Leaderboard: Which Daybreak MMO is most vulnerable?
Are you over the Daybreak Game Company layoffs shock yet? Nope, neither am I. But my shock is compounded by dread over the fate of the...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO character for PvP?
I've been spending my gaming time lately PvPing in Guild Wars 2 in an attempt to reinkindle my old obsession with World of Warcraft battleground-style...
MMO Week in Review: February 15, 2015
Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMOÂ news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review!
The Soapbox: The crowdfunding conundrum
As I type this, Massively Overpowered's Kickstarter campaign sits comfortably at $54,323. We hit our initial $50k funding goal in roughly 48 hours. We're...
WRUP: The first WRUP
It feels so great to be back. Plus I get to introduce some new folks to you. Former Massively columnist Tina Lauro has returned...
Kickstarter Overpowered: Week one summary
As of today, we've been running the Massively Overpowered Kickstarter campaign for just one week. We can't believe the outpouring of support you've given us...
The Daily Grind: Do MMO players actually want social media integration?
World of Warcraft's upcoming publish, we learned this week, will boast Twitter integration. Welcome, WoW, to the year 2011 when we were already complaining about the rise of...
Former PS2 producer: ‘Don’t hate on Daybreak’
After yesterday's news it's understandable that fans of Daybreak Games' software lineup might be somewhere between nervous and upset. Former PlanetSide 2 producer David...
The Daily Grind: What’s your one wish for Massively Overpowered?
Just over two weeks ago, I found out that was being shuttered along with the rest of the Joystiq network. It's been a convoluted...
Massively OP Podcast: Episode 1
Justin and Bree discuss Daybreak, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns, and the forming of Massively Overpowered, with mailbag questions on MMO pet AI and subs as the new early access in disguise.