book of travels - search results

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Book of Travels explains why it’s going with seasons that advance time

While MMORPGs are very much evolving and growing worlds, often their game worlds are stuck in time where lands, characters, and events are kept...

Book of Travels explains its no-quest design philosophy

In case you never really clocked this, one of the many reasons that Book of Travels will be different than your typical MMO is...

Book of Travels features Breath of the Wild-inspired cooking, food, and even moonshine

We're barreling on toward Book of Travels' "chapter zero" early access launch on August 9th, but in the meantime... who's hungry? Yes, the latest...

Tiny MMO Book of Travels hits early access August 9 with its ‘chapter zero’ release

Well here's a happy weekend announcement for MMO fans: Book of Travels has just revealed that it's launching into early access on August 9th,...

Book of Travels shares a preview of its tiny Omin spirits

The entire idea of Book of Travels is roaming a wide world, which would certainly leave some to look at wide vistas and potentially...

Book of Travels previews its explorer-oriented spell reagent system

If you thought Book of Travels would retreat with its tail between its legs after admitting last week that it would be delaying its...
Think, Mark.

Book of Travels delays early access again, this time to late summer

Have you been dying to crack open Book of Travels and see what stories lie within? You'll have to be patient, dear child, for...
Think, Mark.

Book of Travels discusses how art and story unite in narrative design

"Tiny MMORPG" Book of Travels is one of many games in our purview that suffered from the pandemic, having seen its early access date...

Book of Travels explains how gear improves your journeys

For most MMOs, a player's gear is a collection of stat points that accumulate to increase combat effectiveness. But for Book of Travels, gear...

Book of Travels previews the different means of transport in the game

While Book of Travels is about walking around the world to discover things, that doesn't mean that world isn't without modes of transportation. Several...

Book of Travels introduces fans to four of the game’s NPCs

Ideally, walking around in tiny multiplayer online title Book of Travels will see players running into one another and perhaps linking up for some...

Book of Travels offers some background details for the Braided Shore

Book of Travels is set in the Braided Shore, which is a fine enough bit of background, but just what is the Braided Shore...

Book of Travels developer Might and Delight shares gameplay footage of single-player title Shelter 3

While we're obviously eager to see studio Might and Delight put out its tiny multiplayer online title Book of Travels, that's not the only...

Book of Travels provides a look at a few of the threats that inhabit its world

A lot has been made by Book of Travels about the game's world and aesthetic, whether it's music, art style, or things that inspired...

Book of Travels’ soundtrack aims to take you to a whole new world

For an MMO that will be all about the journey, getting the music right for your road trip is an important task for the...

Book of Travels names Baldur’s Gate, Moomins, classical art, and Studio Ghibli as its influences

When you're creating something, it's entirely natural to draw inspiration from and be influenced by works that have come before your own. That's most...

Book of Travels takes a detailed look at the character creation process

Tiny multiplayer online title Book of Travels has very much been all about the idea of players taking on their roles in a deeper...

Tiny MMO Book of Travels releases a 30-minute gameplay video

Ready to see the pulse-pounding action of a "serene" online world? We hope you're awake, buckled into a safety harness, and biting down on...

Make My MMO: Welcome to Kasa, Book of Travels’ central city

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Book of Travels popped back on our radar with a preview of its capital city, Kasa, which will serve...

Book of Travels previews its early access landmass and elaborates on its chapter-based update system

The self-described tiny multiplayer online title Book of Travels is slowly unfurling its plans for early access, and this time around it wants to...