blade & soul

See: Blade and Soul

Happy first patch to you, game.

Blade & Soul’s first major patch arrives on February 10th

The great part about games that were localized after being out in their native country for some time is that there's no dearth of...
Playing it is a different story.

Betawatch: Having fun with Black Desert’s character creator (January 22, 2016)

Who doesn't like a good character creator? The people in charge of Black Desert clearly like having one so much that a standalone version...

The Stream Team: Back for more killer kitties in Blade & Soul

Instead of going through that introduction again on a new class, MassivelyOP's MJ is continuing her Blade & Soul adventures on TestSubject the Summoner...
Try to fly better than this.

Get some useful tips on Blade & Soul before it launches tomorrow

Tomorrow's the big launch day for Blade & Soul for anyone not already enjoying the head start opportunity. Users on Reddit have helpfully compiled...

The Stream Team: Blade & Soul’s headstart

Although Blade & Soul doesn't officially launch until the 19th, the headstart begins today. And that means MassivelyOP's MJ gets to jump in and...

The official guide to Blade & Soul’s January 19 launch

Are you ready for Blade & Soul's launch on January 19th? Are you really ready? I mean, you might have played a lot of...

Win a Blade & Soul ‘Master’ founder pack from NCsoft and Massively OP

Blade & Soul begins its next-to-last beta test tomorrow, and if you're not in it, that could be because you haven't pre-ordered with a founder...

Blade & Soul’s Assassin gets a class overview and a video

Blade & Soul has released a class overview for the Assassin. NCsoft describes it as "a complex class that excels when they have the...
Let's rock.

Blade & Soul will include North American players in its next world championship

Do you want to be the best around, with nothing that will ever keep you down? Blade & Soul makes a point of being...
But, see, now I want to play elephant guy.

Korean edition of Blade & Soul gearing up for a new class and more story

Are you worried about the health of Blade & Soul? With any import title, it's easy to wonder if the game is going to...

It’s Kung Fu Master week in Blade & Soul

Do you know kung fu? The Blade & Soul Kung Fu Master does, clearly, and today NCsoft decided to kick off Kung Fu Master...
Beta botch.

Betawatch: Closed beta explosion (October 30, 2015)

It's a week of games entering closed beta. That is the joke here, if you want to call it a joke. Front and center,...

Blade & Soul’s Destroyer wields a giant axe, generates low threat

It's Destroyer week on the Blade & Soul website, which means that there is plenty of new class-specific stuff to read. The Destroyer is...
More soon.

Betawatch: Camelot Unchained begins beta next year (October 9, 2015)

The good news is that Camelot Unchained will indeed be hitting the shores of the land of betas. The bad news? It's not going...
Egi me on.

Blade & Soul dedicates a week to the Summoner

Would you consider a cat to be a faithful battle companion? If not, you probably haven't played a Summoner in Blade & Soul, the...
Still unable to purchase a bra, though.

Blade & Soul shines a spotlight on the Blade Master

You would think that a class by the name of Blade Master would be really important in Blade & Soul. It's half of the...
You would think this would just be patched in pre-launch at this point.

Blade & Soul’s website talks skills and skill trees

NCsoft has updated Blade & Soul's western website with a bit about the game's skill trees. You'll earn a skill point with each character...
Bored for the bored god.

Betawatch: September 11th, 2015

How eternal were you planning on making your crusade? We ask chiefly because Eternal Crusade has announced that its closed alpha test will start...

Blade & Soul founder packs are now available for planned Q1 2016 launch

I was very excited to sit down during Gamescom with Nicolas Coutant, producer at NCSOFT West, about the upcoming US and Europe release of...

Blade & Soul’s website updates with new race/class combos

Did you catch the classes page update on Blade & Soul's website today? NCsoft has fleshed out what exactly will be playable in the western...