

The major class changes coming in SWTOR’s Knights of the Eternal Throne

Another expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic means another level cap bump and another set of adjustments for the various classes and their...
Marbleface McSpheretummy

EverQuest II shows off the Ascension classes for Kunark Ascending

When EverQuest II's next expansion hits, players are going to be progressing through an entirely new set of classes. The new Ascension classes are...
Sneak and stab.

Revelation Online’s Chinese version adds the stealthy Assassin

Those of us here in the US have to wait a little bit longer for Revelation Online to start in on beta testing, but...
The eternal sstruggle between man and naked.

TERA’s next major update brings big changes for Sorcerers

The next major update for TERA is dubbed Spellbound, and it's bringing two new dungeons and two new armor sets to go along with...
A rebel without a point.

Skyforge shows off the Outlaw collector’s edition

Is jumping around with two guns all you've ever wanted in Skyforge? You're probably quite happy to get your hands on the Outlaw, but...
Well, here you are, chittering to the beyond.

Revelation Online shows off the Occultist

The Occultist in Revelation Online is a complicated sort. Sure, a given Occultist is capable of delivering devastating ranged attacks, because what's life without...

Pirates, Bards, and Astrologers abound in Lost Ark

One thing is for sure with Lost Ark: You are not going to find yourself constrained and bored with a paltry handful of class...
Yes, very good.

Take a look at Crowfall’s male Ranger and female Champion

Each of Crowfall's archetypes tends to be associated with a specific gender because the game's archetypes are a bit more comprehensive than simply classes....
Also, it's crazy random.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion, part two

When last we left off, the world was screwed. World of Warcraft: Legion doesn't tell you that you're facing a huge threat, it just...
But no ladies.

Crowfall introduces the Duelist and the Guinecean race

Do you consider "play a swashbuckling guinea pig" to be one of your most cherished video game goals? Your absurdly specific dream is coming...
No, this is not Star Trek: Beyond.

RIFT buffs up the Saboteur soul

The Saboteur in RIFT is all about, well, sabotage. It's a specialty based around bombs blowing things the heck up. The latest patch to...
How now brown cow.

Crowfall shows off the power design for the Myrmidon

Crowfall's Myrmidon is the kind of fighter who attacks first, then attacks second, crushes everything to dust, and then asks questions of the smoldering...

Star Wars: The Old Republic devs get cagey on the subject of new ops and classes

Will Star Wars: The Old Republic ever get new operations instead of just more episodic story releases? According to a private Q&A session with...

Revelation Online’s class trailer offers six tempting playstyles

When it comes to upcoming games, one of the most pressing questions for any player is which class he or she will choose for...
spare monies for a noob

The Black Death’s new update adds in the Beggar and the bounty system

In every game, you run across the person begging for a handout. The player who always asks for gold, armor, runs, items, weapons, and...

Revelation Online shows off the Blademaster’s moves

Last month's Revelation Online fly-through video slapped us across the face with how beautiful this upcoming game is, but is that beauty only skin-deep...
Jump around, etc.

Vindictus offers players a jump-start to 75 as it prepares for Delia

If you've been away from Vindictus for a while, you might be wondering what's going on with the game. The answer is that it's...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

Blade & Soul’s Soul Fighter update is live today

The Soul Fighter does not actually fight souls in Blade & Soul. No more than any other class, anyhow. It mostly fights with soul,...
Hey, dude, things cool? We're just chilling.

Pantheon previews the Shaman and plans a new livestream

The latest Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen newsletter has quite a bit to say about the Shaman. The healing and support-oriented class is meant...
Fight that soul.

Blade & Soul shows off the new Soul Fighter class

At long last, players of Blade & Soul will be able to properly fight souls with the new Soul Fighter class. It's a class...