
Official Site: Com2Us

The MOP Up: Hearthstone welcomes the Year of the Wolf

The Year of the Wolf is coming to Hearthstone: "Throughout the Year of the Wolf, we’ll be focusing our efforts on making Hearthstone and...

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 reworks its Gyala Delve meta-event

Guild Wars 2 pushed out a patch last week that adjusted how the Gyala Delve meta-event functions and doles out rewards. Part of this...

Summoners War Chronicles celebrates over 1M daily users with login goodies for EU and Asian territories

Have you heard of Summoners War: Chronicles? We've been covering this MMO version of the mobile title between its initial 2017 reveal all the...
But in world form.

Mobile MMORPG World of Zenonia resurfaces with a new name and planned connection to the blockchain

Back in March 2020 we reported on World of Zenonia, an upcoming mobile MMORPG based on the long-running series of action RPGs that primarily...

Korean MMO Project TS scored a global publisher – but it’s a blockchain purveyor

As we recently demonstrated in our lengthy list of in-development MMOs, there's a whole lot coming down the pike. Now we can add another...

The Stream Team: Peering in on the PC version of Summoners War Chronicles

The old axiom goes that you can't knock it until you try it, and this Sure, Why Not Sunday sees MOP's Chris trying the...

Summoners War Chronicles, the free-to-play Summoners War MMO, has officially arrived to mobile and PC

Back in 2017 we got word that an MMO based on the 2014 mobile game Summoners War was on the horizon. That game ended...

The MOP Up: Crossout revs up a major engine upgrade

Just because the world's ended doesn't mean it can't look better. That's the philosophy of vehicular MMO Crossout, which is prepping a major engine...

The MOP Up: World of Warcraft counts down the end of Shadowlands Season 3

Just a heads-up for those still participating in World of Warcraft's Mythic+ and PvP seasons: Season 3 has about a month left before Season...

Newly relaunched Kritika Online’s cash shop is just as gross as you’d assume

Normally around these parts we would be cheering on the resurrection of an MMORPG. But in the case of Kritika Online, which has returned...
Sol Badguy comparisons seem apt.

Kritika Global will resurrect as a play-to-win NFT monstrosity next week

So you guys remember Kritika Online, right? It was published here by En Masse but shut down back in 2019, although it continued running...
Oh, good, you're finally awake.

The MOP Up: Halo Infinite throws out an update while grappling with rampant cheating

After surprising fans by debuting this month, Halo Infinite's multiplayer mode got an update this past week that introduced a small battle pass, cosmetics,...

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 pulls back the curtain on narrative design

Guild Wars 2 Associate Narrative Director Bobby Stein has an interesting essay up about "shepherding stories" for the MMO with a focus on diverse...

MMO Business Roundup: Gamestonk is tipping toward over as shares dip below $100 a pop

Welcome back to a fresh roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent business news! Gamestonk: It's starting to look as if last week's wild GameStop stock squeeze...

The MOP Up: Overhit sunsets in Korea

Nexon's Overhit is fading quickly from the mobile MMO scene. Its global servers were shut down earlier this year, leaving only the Korean and...
But in world form.

World of Zenonia announced as a new mobile MMORPG

If you aren't familiar with the Zenonia franchise, we understand. Not everyone has time to keep track of every mobile RPG, after all, but...

Korean MMORPG Summoners War: Chronicle launches globally in 2020

We're positive you won't remember this because we sure didn't, but at G-Star way back in 2017, Com2uS trotted a bunch of its new...

Summoners War MMO emerges from mobile game

We have seen our fair share of mobile game spin-offs from MMORPGs, particularly eastern titles. The reverse isn't as common, but today we do...

Nexon, Smilegate top eastern revenue charts

Last year was a very good year indeed for Nexon, which made $393M in revenue in 2014. However, Smilegate clambered up to second place...