
Warframe’s digital TennoCon 2021 promises a gameplay reveal of The New War expansion

This coming Saturday, July 17th, will be the digital version of TennoCon 2021, which likely is already an exciting day for fans of Warframe...

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Waking Flame DLC and Update 31 arrive August 23, are available now on PTS

"The schemes of the Prince of Destruction were not thwarted during the events of The Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood, only delayed," you'll be sad...

Neverwinter’s Bard class and level-squish arrive to PC in Jewel of the North on July 27

Neverwinter players have known for a while now that PWE has been working on a bard class and the new leveling system, but today,...

Final Fantasy XI adds a new high-end battlefield against a deific dragon

Feel like the fight against Shinryu in Final Fantasy XI is too easy these days with all of the new gear and improvements players...
These losers again?

Wisdom of Nym: Looking at lost actions as a key to more job customization in Final Fantasy XIV

Let's talk a little bit about the Save the Queen content in Final Fantasy XIV, but perhaps not in the way you might be...
Carry that water.

Final Fantasy XIV contends with full servers and wait lists for its digital version

It's possible you're tired of hearing about Final Fantasy XIV, but the influx of players the game seems to be getting is pretty notable....

Final Fantasy XIV prepares to Make it Rain and sports a new benchmark and expansion site

So the content for Final Fantasy XIV is going to be light on the ground for the next four months and change. What can...
Bad people.

Elite Dangerous’ David Braben delays Odyssey on console to ‘reprioritise the core PC experience’

Elite Dangerous' Odyssey expansion has been a bit of a bungle, all told. While players initially embraced the new content, even we noted it...

One Shots: Fight for your right to party

When a Star Wars: The Old Republic player wants to party -- and with an expansion on the way, it's as good an excuse...

Final Fantasy XIV posts Endwalker benchmark trailer

Let's be realistic: Anyone who can currently run Final Fantasy XIV is probably going to have no problem running Endwalker when it releases in...

Genshin Impact is bringing the city of Inazuma and its surrounding region on July 21

The world of Genshin Impact plans to have seven major cities but currently only two of them are accessible right now -- Monstadt and...

PSA: Final Fantasy XIV is hosting another two week-long free login campaign for lapsed accounts

If a lot of the recent buzz around Final Fantasy XIV has you itchy to return to Eorzea but you don't have the money...

‘Non-traditional’ DC Universe Online episode coming next month

When DC Universe Online's next patch arrives in August, don't expect the same-old, same-old. Daybreak is going a bit of a different way with...

Massively Overthinking: Which of the summer MMO launches captured your time and attention?

OK folks: We're in the thick of summer now, a summer that's seen an endless parade of MMO launches, mobile ports, expansions, classic servers,...
Destined even further.

Bungie Day 2021 is being marked with a charity drive, a free emblem, and a Destiny 2 preview event on August 24

Yesterday, July 7th, was the start of Bungie Day, the fan-crafted celebration that was born from the publisher/developer's fixation with the number seven, and...

Final Fantasy XI launches a new website for its upcoming 20-year anniversary

It's not long now before Final Fantasy XI manages to hit its 20th anniversary. Sure, it's going to be a little while longer, but...

Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis continues its ninth anniversary with weekly events and contests

Did you think the initial anniversary goings-on in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis were all that's happening? You'd be wrong, friend, because Sega...

Elite Dangerous threatens to ban players over toxic behavior toward devs

Elite Dangerous has drawn a line in the sand on toxicity - toxicity against its staff, that is. Frontier's lead community manager, Arthur Tolmie, posted...

Black Desert talks up a rather vague 300% increase in daily players

Fair warning: The information in this article is going to frustrate you. That's because Pearl Abyss has released relative numbers for Black Desert, claiming...

Warframe releases its Sisters of Parvos update on all platforms

Warframe promised that the update was coming and sure enough it has. Yesterday marked the official release of the co-op shooter's Sisters of Parvos...