See: City of Titans
City of Titans previews its UE4 engine upgrade and dungeon architect tool
The dev team of City of Titans has checked in with a quick update on what it's working on next as well as a...
Massively Overthinking: Canaries in the MMO coal mine
A few weeks back on the MOP Podcast, reader Danny posed us such a provocative question that we said right then we were going...
Into the Super-verse: Catching up with the big superhero MMOs
With the weirdness of the quarantine and how it's been impacting game development, I thought it might be a good time to take a...
City of Titans shows off some recent images of Alexandria City
The folks at City of Titans have stayed busy (and stayed safe), with continuing work on fleshing out the Alexandria City location. In a...
City of Titans makes a small but significant change to the Avatar Builder UI
What difference can a slider bar possibly make? A pretty good one in the case of City of Titans, which showed off a tweak...
Valiance Online, still gunning for launch this year, drops a brand-new flythrough video
Let's not sugarcoat this: Valiance Online has almost been crowded out of players' vision when it comes to the City of Heroes spiritual successors....
See City of Titans’ Alexandria beginner zone in action
After stumbling a couple of years ago when it had hoped to hit alpha testing, City of Titans and its team are projecting confidence...
Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2019
Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's weekly and sometimes biweekly recap of the big news in crowdfunded MMOs. Hey, you...
City of Titans is adding fixes to the character creator and a seasonal mission
Just because City of Titans is still in development doesn't mean it can't get in on the holiday season. The in-progress superhero MMO is...
Into the Super-verse: 13 text-based superhero MMOs you can play today
As part of this column covering superhero MMORPGs, we have looked at the usual suspects: MMOs of the past (Champions Online, City of Heroes,...
Ship of Heroes and City of Titans share character creation test results
As you may have known, over the past month both City of Titans and Ship of Heroes have released their respective character creators to...
Into the Super-verse: Ship of Heroes’ character creator is bare-bones yet still engaging
Every once in a while, Hollywood releases a pair of movies from different studios at the same time that cover, more or less, the...
The Stream Team: A first look at City of Titans’ character creator
If you ever thought Massively OP's MJ could take an entire stream to make a character, you wouldn't be wrong. She hasn't... until now!...
Ship of Heroes tweaks character creation tool beta, plans costume contest today
As the character creation tool beta for Ship of Heroes rolls on, the folks at Heroic Games are hard at work making adjustments to...
Into the Super-Verse: Putting City of Titans’ character builder through its paces
Mark this date in your history books because the battle of superhero MMO character builders is on! Both Ship of Heroes and City of...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 244: An Onslaught of news
Justin and Bree discuss Onslaught aka SWTOR's first expansion in three (!) years, Fallout 76's latest kerfuffle, the return of Kritika Online, ArcheAge's ArchePass confusion and rework, DDO's mounts, BlizzCon, and Halloween, with a mailbag topic on MMO toxicity.
City of Titans’ character creator, Titan Create, is now available for backers
If you'd been wondering what that countdown on City of Titans' Twitter last week was, well you probably just overlooked the announcement earlier this...
Into the Super-verse: Catching up with Valiance Online
So far in the Into the Super-verse column space, we have touched base with two of the three upcoming City of Heroes spiritual successors:...
Ship of Heroes’ character creation tool donor beta is set for November 1
Just an hour ago, we joked that City of Titans and Ship of Heroes were just about to have a big ol' showdown as...
City of Titans’ avatar builder is coming to backers soon
Ship of Heroes isn't the only superhero MMORPG in town that's getting a character builder out to its fans this month: City of Titans...