eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Effing OOPS

Perfect Ten: The MMO studios that keep whiffing on new projects

Everyone makes mistakes, and that's all right. That's not necessarily a big deal. Yes, this is true when it comes to MMO studios too....
Now my stats are good!

Global Chat: Will World of Warcraft ever give up its raiding fixation?

MMO blog Kaylriene posted a lengthy article recently examining the state of the non-raiding scene in World of Warcraft while comparing it to Blizzard's...

Betawatch: EVE studio seeks testers for another shooter spinoff

CCP Games is forever in a cycle of trying to make fetch happen, huh? The developer is looking for veterans of DUST 514 to...
is this doctor who

Stick and Rudder: So you’ve completed the EVE Online tutorial – now what?

Since rejoining the player ranks of EVE Online, I’ve noticed a common sentiment from fellow newbies: Most agree that the environment is beautiful, the...

Massively Overthinking: The most unusual subscriptions in the MMO space

A while back on the MassivelyOP Podcast, so long ago that I can't remember who or when, a listener asked us about unusual MMO...
As always.

EVE Online starts up the Caldari Union Day through September 6

It appears that EVE Online might have different standards from others about what qualifies as a day of celebration. After all, why would the...

CCP Games is hunting for veteran DUST 514 players to test its next EVE universe FPS

If you're hankering to take peek at CCP Games' next big thing - and yes it's another attempt at an EVE Online-universe shooter -...

Global Chat: When you can’t ignore the MMO meta

As we kick off another column on recent MMO blog essays, Galactic Antics uses a recent situation in Star Wars: The Old Republic as...

EVE Echoes launches a Project Discovery science initiative, EVE Online preps for next Alliance Tournament

Regular players of EVE Online are likely very familiar with the game's Project Discovery "citizen science" initiatives that let players help out scientific research,...

CCP Games’ VR multiplayer game aspirations expire as EVE Valkyrie, Sparc, and EVE Gunjack go dark

This past weekend saw CCP Games' run at VR games development die on the vine, as the shooter EVE Gunjack, the sports title Sparc,...

EVE Echoes’ second anniversary adds a new enemy group and an implant system, preps for an August 19 parade

This week marks two years since the release of EVE Echoes, the alt universe mobile edition of EVE Online, and the devs are celebrating...

Stick and Rudder: Giving EVE Online another shot

I’m not really sure how to break this to you, dear reader, so I’ll just come out and say it. Oh rats, you already...

EVE Online shares deeper details on planned factional warfare improvements

During EVE Online's Fanfest, CCP Games shared some early details on updates that were in the pipeline for factional warfare. The devs have since...

EVE Online’s Fanfest data dump shows a surprisingly wide range of player types

EVE Online is going full science fair mode with the release of a whole suite of fancy graphs and data collected and presented during...

The Daily Grind: Does your real-life moral compass dictate your MMO activities?

MOP reader Slava has another good scenario for us to ponder this morning. "I just made a big change in my Albion Online life by...

EVE Online and Star Citizen’s Battle of the Bricks LEGO spaceship build-off concludes today

The battle for supremacy between Star Citizen and EVE Online will be decided through the crucible of plastic toy brick combat. The finale of...
Venting prevents ex-plo-si-on.

EVE Online addresses community safety and promises more action to police community behavior

There's been some drama unfolding in EVE Online recently, the kind of drama that is at once not surprising when you see the cast...

Vague Patch Notes: Yes, sandbox MMOs need tutorials and guidance, too

I'm going to make some sandbox fans a little miffed right here with my opening premise. Yes, your sandbox MMO needs tutorials and probably...

EVE Online banned over 70K RMT and botting accounts over the course of 2021

CCP Games' battle with RMT and bot accounts in EVE Online is likely never going to end, but the devs that are part of...

Massively Overthinking: Solved problems in MMOs

One of the most annoying pet peeves this genre seems to spin up frequently is some companies' tendency to treat solved problems as unsolved...