eve online

Official Site: EVE Online
Studio: CCP Games
Launch Date: May 6, 2003
Genre: Sci-Fi Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid Free-to-Play (Optional Subscription, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Just space.

EVE Online brings promised changes to Upwell structure defenses, adds new modules and blueprints

If you've been following along with the Road to Fanfest updates due in to EVE Online, you've probably been eager for the new changes...

MassivelyOP’s guide to 13 MMORPGs that you can play on Macs

Until I got my first Macbook this past December, I admit that I never really paid attention to what MMOs could be played on...

EVE Online players raised over $500K to benefit Ukraine in latest PLEX for Good charity drive

CCP Games clearly doesn't deserve the players of EVE Online, considering the rapid burning of bridges it seems to be attempting with its fans...

April Fools’ Day around the MMO world, 2022 edition

Whether you love it or dread it, April Fools' Day is happening everywhere, specifically to annoy copyeditors who have to fix that dang apostrophe...

The Elder Scrolls Online’s April Fools’ Day celebration has officially gone live

Sure, maybe players are more interested in the new DLC and related game update of Elder Scrolls Online, but perhaps it's time for players...

CCP Games CEO joins a private meeting with crypto company heads ‘to talk about EVE Online’ at GDC

The possible shadow of a crypto and NFT Damocles continues to hang over EVE Online. We've previously reported on this year's GDC conference being...
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Into the Super-Verse: No, I do not want Daybreak’s Marvel MMO

Greetings, true believers! This particular column is actually not the result of reader requests but specifically from our editor, who has long noted that...

EVE Online begins testing changes to upwell structure defenses and ships, adds a feature preview opt-in function

While EVE Online is continuing to flap excitedly at the upcoming Fanfest event and all of its planned reveals, there are still adjustments to...

CCP Games outlines coming attractions for 2022’s EVE Fanfest in-person event

As EVE Online's Fanfest draws near, we are now at the point when CCP Games is going to drum up all the hype for...
Just space.

CCP Games walks back EVE Online’s bargegate fiasco, plans ship packs ‘made for new players, by veterans’

The past few days have seen many EVE Online players up in arms over the sale of a mining barge bundle that CCP Games...

EVE Online community podcast loses official CCP Games partnership over media blackout participation

Yesterday, we reported on a media blackout protest being fomented by the EVE Online community in response to CCP Games' monetization decisions over the...

EVE Online streamers organize an ‘EVE Blackout’ to protest CCP’s monetization of the sandbox

The complaints about EVE Online's recent monetization moves are not going away despite CCP Games' best efforts to keep its head down. Some streamers...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 364: Turtle power!

Justin and Bree discuss Elite Dangerous console, EVE Online's P2W controversy, Guild Wars 2's turtles, and WoW's expansion reveal, with adventures in DDO, WoW Classic, SWG Legends, and GW2, plus mailbag topics on WoW free-to-play and New World's MMO pedigree.

Interview: Mortal Online 2’s CEO on launch, the playerbase, tech, and the future of the sandbox

Mortal Online 2 was one of multiple MMOs to launch in the first few months of 2022, and it began life with the best...

EVE Online begins its PLEX for Good charitable campaign to help Ukraine’s humanitarian crisis

While the ongoing community kerfuffle over EVE Online's decision to sell its players a kitted-out mining ship is still something to bear in mind,...

EVE Online player reps to CCP on the mining barge fiasco: ‘Please stop this sale and don’t do it again’

Yesterday, we covered CCP Games' controversial implementation of a pay-to-win Prospector Pack in EVE Online. The $24.99 bundle includes a "ready-to-fly" mining barge that...

EVE Online players are fuming over the new pay-to-win mining barge

Pearl Abyss-owned CCP Games has once again dropped a hive of live bees into the lap of the already-irritated EVE Online community, this time...

EVE Online studio CCP Games will run a PLEX for Good charity campaign for Ukraine

EVE Online studio CCP Games is making good with PLEX for Good once again, this time in support of humanitarian aid for Ukraine. The Pearl...

EVE Online releases its January econ report and discusses Friendship Week in latest video

Like clockwork, EVE Online has assembled its economic report for January 2022, with "continued iteration" of its data formatting but still no shortage of...

EVE Online begins testing a new tutorial portion that promises to better teach mining and provide a story

Orbit rock, shoot laser, hoover up stuff. It's easy to assume that mining in EVE Online goes no deeper than that, especially if players...