
First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s A Crack in the Ice episode

ArenaNet gave us all word of a seasonably frosty addition to the Guild Wars 2 Living World story last week: The third instalment of season...
Maybe I can hammer it into working well?

RIFT compensates players for server instability

Fans of RIFT have a new expansion to play, but that requires the game's servers to be cooperating in order to actually play it....

Massively OP’s 2016 gift guide for the Guild Wars 2 fanatic

The best holiday of the year is almost here! I'm talking about Black Friday, of course, that magical day when everything is on sale! I'm...
Playing this guy, for example, would be a good reason.

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you completely changed your main in an MMO?

There's never really a reason to completely swap mains in Final Fantasy XIV unless you really, really want to have another character. You're never...

Ghostcrawler reveals the design origins of World of Warcraft’s Death Knights

Just because Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street is over with the League of Legends team these days doesn't mean that he has stopped talking about World...

Enter the Breach in Path of Exiles’ next league, launching December 2

If you've ever wanted to call out "Once more unto the Breach!" as a battle cry, Path of Exile offers you just that chance...

Star Wars: The Old Republic provides backstory fiction for Knights of the Eternal Throne

Look, we don't want to spoil the ending of Star Wars: The Old Republic's last expansion story arc for you if you're still working...

EVE Online’s latest tool lets you simulate ship builds

One of the new tools that EVE Online has handed to new and experienced players with this week's Ascension expansion is simply called the...
Everything's cool out here. Like, emotionally.

The Daily Grind: Are you going back to RIFT for Starfall Prophecy?

After a briefly delayed beta event last month, RIFT's Starfall Prophecy expansion launched this week. RIFT is Trion Worlds' crown jewel, and this third expansion...

Massively Overthinking: The many ‘NGE’ moments across MMORPG history

Eleven years ago this week, the New Game Enhancements patch descended on Star Wars Galaxies, forever changing the trajectory of the game, SOE, and...
Generally not having an easy go

Battle Bards Episode 86: World of Warcraft: Legion

With all of the unbridled love for World of Warcraft’s soundtrack on Battle Bards, historically, you know that we couldn’t let a new expansion...

RIFT’s Starfall Prophecy expansion is live today with a brand-new trailer

Trion Worlds is throwing its hat into the expansion ring this week with today's launch of RIFT: Starfall Prophecy. The MMO's third expansion takes...

Star Wars: The Old Republic releases another trailer for Knights of the Eternal Throne

BioWare suddenly released yet another gameplay trailer for the next Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion. Much like the previous Knights of the Eternal Throne trailer,...

Hyperspace Beacon: Five class changes to watch out for in SWTOR 5.0

Even if you are not subscribing for the impending Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion, Knights of the Eternal Throne, you will be subject to...

RIFT extends Starfall Prophecy promotion

Trion Worlds is extending its RIFT expansion promotion to allow everyone enough time to gather the rewards they desire. The studio informed players this week...

The Stream Team: Launching into EverQuest II’s Kunark Ascending

What an EverQuest Two-sday this is! Today is expansion launch day, and you know Massively OP's MJ can't resist poking into the new zone....
We continue on, in perpetuity, unaffected by time. When the world is cold and dead and the sun is naught but an ember, we shalle remain. And we will sell you card packs.

Hearthstone previews the machinations of the Kabal

What happens in Azeroth when a spellcaster goes too far? Obviously, said spellcaster has to turn around and try to make the right turn...
You really know nothing about me and no one cares.

EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending brings players back to familiar lands

The EverQuest onslaught begins today with the release of EverQuest II's 13th expansion, Kunark Ascending. Players can now return to Kunark and visit previously...

Guild Wars 2’s next episode, A Crack in the Ice, drops November 21

Guild Wars 2 has just released the first trailer for A Crack in The Ice, the third episode of the third season of living...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Five reasons to buy Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns while it’s on sale

Ever since Guild Wars 2's first expansion released, retired players or MMO hoppers have been insisting in comments across the internet that they would only...