
ArcheAge announces Ascension 3.0 update for late 2016

As with many other MMO imports from Asia, ArcheAge often gives its community a heads-up as to what's coming down the pike thanks to...

World of Warcraft: Legion’s pre-expansion patch hits the test server

While World of Warcraft players will have to wait until the very end of August to dive into the new expansion, a major event...

Battle Bards Episode 76: Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns

“It’s high time that we talk about the Heart of Thorns expansion for Guild Wars 2!” Syl says, and we couldn’t agree more. The Battle...
The vaguely threatening capital blob!

EVE Online goes to the pirates in late June

The EVE Online update that's launching on June 28th is bringing new capital ships into the mix, and they aren't coming from the most...
Oh my.

E3 2016: The Division releases Underground DLC trailer

During the pre-E3 festivities today, Ubisoft released the trailer for The Division's next DLC: The Underground. The DLC arrives on PC and Xbox One...
I want to go back (go back)

Star Trek Online shows off its 23rd century ship stats

When Star Trek Online launches Agents of Yesterday, players will be able to fly around in the ships of the line from the mid-23rd...
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: An examination of Final Fantasy XIV patch 3.3

With patch 3.3 on the live servers, the next few months are going to be the best time to be playing Final Fantasy XIV...

The MOP Up: EverQuest gets hardcore (June 12, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Aion returns to the Tower of Eternity in July

Some of the most momentous occasions in MMORPGs aren't when players are invited to explore strange, new zones, but when the community comes back...

WoW dev vows ‘richer patch content lineup for Legion’

More news is emerging from the Blizzard summit in Irvine this week. Kotaku's World of Warcraft interview touches on a number of topics, including...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

World of Warcraft: Legion is getting an animated Illidan short

Considering that Illidan Stormrage is the origin of all of the Demon Hunters double-jumping around in World of Warcraft: Legion you wouldn't be surprised...
Both hands!

Guild Wars 2’s Bobby Stein says raids won’t gate main story progress

ArenaNet's Narrative Lead Bobby Stein has hit the Guild Wars 2 forums to address some of the concerns raised this week when a forum...
Oh no, it's all we are.

Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday launches on July 6th

Players of Star Trek Online are no strangers to going back in time, but Agents of Yesterday is something different. It's not just traveling...

The Stream Team: Poking into Path of Exile’s Prophecy League

Path of Exile's new Prophecy League just started up, and although MassivelyOP's MJ was at first hesitant to start over for leagues, she's come...
Subtle changes.

Today’s Neverwinter update adds guild alliances, logical campaign paths

Going live around noon EDT today in Neverwinter is Guild Alliances, a large update to the Maze Engine campaign. Players will be able to...

Extended draw distance is one of the ways Legion will make WoW prettier

Step aside, details about class halls and specs, because this weekend Blizzard turned its attention to World of Warcraft: Legion's... draw distance. Yeah, maybe it's...

Star Wars: The Old Republic producer’s stream discusses the penultimate expansion chapter

Players have struggled against Emperor Arcann and the Eternal Fleet for some time now, but Star Wars: The Old Republic's next story chapter will...

One Shots: Two hearts beating as one

It's not every day that you get married, either in real life or in a video game. Reader Kanbe managed to impress me by...

World of Warcraft’s talent reshuffle is meant to bring ‘more meaningful choice’ to players

We trust it hasn't escaped your attention that your current World of Warcraft talent build won't be surviving Legion's launch intact. The talent system...
All by myself etc.

Swordsman launches the Lone Wanderer expansion

The latest expansion for Swordsman should improve any and all of your bird-related adventures with the new Falconer class. Falconers, to the surprise of...