final fantasy xi

Official Site: Final Fantasy XI
Studio: Square Enix
Launch Date: May 16, 2002 (in de facto maintenance mode as of November 10, 2015)
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Subscription
Platform: PC, PS2, Xbox 360

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Final Fantasy XI’s February version update has more story, more levels, and more stuff to sell you

Good news, Final Fantasy XI fans! Producer Akihiko Matsui is happy to announce that February's patch will solve your storage woes... by letting you...
Pictured: Love.

Final Fantasy XI prepares Valentione’s Day celebrations for next week

Love is in the air in Final Fantasy XI starting on February 8th, for both the various lovelorn citizens of Vana'diel and the chocobos...
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: What’s in Final Fantasy XIV’s February live letter?

It is not quite February yet at the time you read this, but it's not as if February is some distant future that we...

The MOP Up: Final Fantasy XI gets a lot more trustworthy

Final Fantasy XI is working to build up trust -- but probably not in the way that you think. This is actually part of...

Final Fantasy XI launches its January update with new Ambuscade and harder Odyssey monsters

There's no new story content in this month's update for Final Fantasy XI, but since at one point the game was supposed to never get...
Ram moo

Final Fantasy XI plans for higher stats and new challenges in its January version update

The name of the game in Final Fantasy XI right now is players reaching even greater heights of power, and that is definitely the case...
We still care.

Final Fantasy XI’s producer looks ahead to the 20-year anniversary of the game in 2022

It's been 20 years since Final Fantasy XI originally launched in Japan... or rather, it will be in a few months. (The launch anniversary is...
Fight deities.

The MOP Up: Fiesta Online adds new servers

Anime MMO Fiesta Online's heart grew two sizes bigger this past week thanks to the addition of a pair of servers -- one for...

Final Fantasy XI brings the Dragon Quest X crossover event around once again

It's tough for fans to feel as much about Dragon Quest X as other entries in the series, seeing as how it's the one installment...
Creeping up.

Final Fantasy XI adds more Voracious Resurgence in its December version update

Ready to amble around with some Yagudo for a bit in Final Fantasy XI? That's going to be important for your enjoyment in the game's...
Like a boss.

Final Fantasy XI opens up the Adventurer Gratitude Campaign for the new year

Hey, you! Final Fantasy XI appreciates that you're playing. What's that? You're not playing? Well why the heck not? It can't be because the game...
It's the same basic bench.

Final Fantasy XI brings the Starlight Celebration around once again on December 16

It's just about time for every game to start its Christmas celebrations, and Final Fantasy XI is certainly no exception with its Starlight Celebration...
That's not a doll, guy.

Final Fantasy XI previews more story developments and master level adjustments for its December patch

The Voracious Resurgence continues in Final Fantasy XI with the December version update, and that means the conclusion of the Far Eastern portion of the...

The MOP Up: Ultima Online plays Santa and hands out gifts

Ultima Online is really into gift giving this season, so head in and get yours before they're all gobbled up: "We wish to offer...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Final Fantasy XI boosts experience and capacity gains in its Winter Bundle-Up Campaign

Your character levels are going to get swole in Final Fantasy XI's latest boost campaign. No, really, that's the whole thing when the Winter Bundle-Up Campaign...

Battle Bards Episode 205: Love is in the air

They might not be the most naturally romantic crew at heart, but the Battle Bards have been known to get, er, swoony when love is professed...
Birb is the worb.

Final Fantasy XI adds in more Voracious Resurgence and the new Master Level advancement system

The newest patch to Final Fantasy XI is a big deal. No, not just because there's a new installment of the Voracious Resurgence, although that...
Contains some monsters.

Final Fantasy XI is bringing new advancement systems and new Voracious Resurgence with November

You've mastered your job in Final Fantasy XI and have reached the end of your leveling process at long last. That's a reason to celebrate!...
We're going to be here for a very long while, princess.

Final Fantasy XI kicks off a series of winter improvements on November 11

Let's be realistic, if you're going to be spending a lot of time in a Square-Enix MMORPG this month, it's probably not going to be Final...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPGs of all time, 2021 edition

Five years ago this week - back in 2016 - the MOP team and readers did an epic Massively Overthinking picking out their top...