free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.


All factions will soon be able to fly (some) Romulan ships in Star Trek Online

Your faction is the Federation in Star Trek Online, but in your heart you long to be like the sneaky, underhanded, and intriguing Romulans....

Mechwarrior Online shares details for the unofficial player-run 2019 Comp Championship Series

Did you know that EVO, the massive fighting game esports tournament, started as a smaller community thing? Back then it was called Battle by...

The MOP Up: Skyforge hisses and burns

It's (sigh) mass hiss-teria in Skyforge these days thanks to Gorgonide forces invading the place. Gorgonide? Really? Devs ain't even trying these days. Anyway,...

One Shots: My other car is a ravenous dragon

Sure, in your normal, mundane life you drive a Prius hatchback, but in your virtual existence, you enjoy a ride that's a bit more...

PlanetSide 2 will merge the Australian server with the Japanese server on August 27

If you happen to be an Aussie who likes to play PlanetSide 2, listen up: Your regional server is about to be merged and...

Star Wars: The Old Republic previews Onslaught’s new Mek-Sha location

Back in July, the Star Wars: The Old Republic folks offered an extremely formulaic but at least somewhat interesting look at the creation of...

LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online’s prettiest and ugliest places

Depending on how you count it, at the present Lord of the Rings Online boasts somewhere around 45 zones -- a vast improvement on...

The Daily Grind: What MMO did you forget was still alive and kicking?

The other day the Ryzom team sent us a tweet that basically told us that the game was still alive and there was stuff...
Why is this someone's crappy destination wedding.

Mobile MMO Roundup: Perfect World Mobile, Spiritwish, and Alliance vs Empire

If you're waiting urgently with your phone waiting for some new mobile MMOs to play around with, you've got some options today. Perfect World...

RuneScape previews upcoming newbie experience, Old School RuneScape tweaks PvP ratios

Once again, we've got a nice meaty bundle of news items from RuneScape and Old School RuneScape. Let's dive in. The devs have offered...

Massively Overthinking: Problematic faves in MMOs

A while back, a reader suggested that it was impossible for a fan who loves something to recognize its shortcomings, and I was taken...

Meta: Join us for Massively OP’s first Mo Mania stream-athon on Friday, August 23!

Mo Mania? You might be wondering just what exactly that odd entry on the OPTV stream calendar for tomorrow is. That's what we're here...

The Stream Team: The Warframe story saga continues

After a nice little water fight break, Massively OP's MJ is ready to get back to business in Warframe. She has much story to...
It can't be fixed, our time was going to be devoted to fixing it.

Path of Exile previews the Carrion Golem and new support gems coming for Blight

Who wouldn't want a Carrion Golem as your best friend in Path of Exile? It might be a magically animated pile of corpse pieces...

TERA’s Skywatch: High Stakes update adds mystery merchants and brings back the Demon’s Wheel

Time to push all your chips to the center of the table and gamble big in TERA. Well, gamble big without losing actual money,...
Doom approaches.

Vague Patch Notes: How time distorted what ‘hardcore’ means for WoW Classic

There's a contingent of players looking forward to the launch of World of Warcraft: Classic next week that is vocally thrilled about one specific...

It’s time to chase chickens as Lord of the Rings Online’s Farmers Faire has begun

Get out your seeds packets and your straw hats because it's harvest time in Middle-earth, which means the Farmers Faire event has returned once...

Dauntless brings neon hair, updated patrol chests, and new weapon specials in the latest update

At the surface, it seemed like the latest update to Dauntless was only bringing some new skins to chase in the most recent Hunt...

Lineage 2M’s Korean teaser website states that something is ‘coming soon’ in September

We're not entirely sure what's big for September for the upcoming mobile MMORPG Lineage 2M, but it's easy to assume one doesn't open up...

Fortnite’s latest throwable weapon lets you kill people by dropping junk on their heads

There are plenty of embarrassing ways you can be taken out in video games, whether it's by your own stupidity or an errant glitch...