game mechanics

The Daily Grind: What are the moments in MMOs that make you feel powerful?

You know, for all the fun of going back and curbstomping low-level enemies, that doesn't make me feel powerful in an MMO. What makes...
This is wholly appropriate

PlanetSide 2 updates carbines and spawns on the test server while celebrating love in the live game

The latest patch to PlanetSide 2's test servers has some pretty far-reaching changes to the game's spawn system. Previously, the system didn't really direct you...
Let's fight the fighty mans.

Lineage II Classic releases its Saviors update on February 27

The first major update to Lineage II Classic is arriving on February 27th, and it's got some steep new challenges for players. Four new hunting...
We're here! We're... that's it, actually.

Vague Patch Notes: On play conditioning and the lecture of experience in MMOs

Yes, it's another week in which we talk about abstract concepts that underpin the way we play video games, this time inspired by a...
home sweet whatever

The Daily Grind: What’s the MMORPG without housing that would benefit the most from adding it?

Housing is a big and elaborate system to add into any game, and it's always an expensive system to include in terms of resources....

Closers brings its Rogue Agents update with a new season and level cap

In the Closers update dropping tonight it appears that the nights are for hunters. Hunter's Night is the name of the first part of...
We all live a yellow... er, spaceship.

Ship of Heroes updates players on leveling up, powersets to show off, and staffing

Leveling up feels easy enough in games; you get enough experience, there's a flash of light, your level goes up by one. But Ship...
Keeping your garden.

Final Fantasy XIV releases Hydratos in patch 4.55 and updates its conduct rules

It's time to finish up Eureka in Final Fantasy XIV, as today marks the release of the fourth and final area, Hydratos. This final...
This is love.

Fortnite unveils its Share the Love event, account linking, and Season 8 teases

Love is in the air for Fortnite, and not just from the Share the Love event running right now. Sure, that's fun in and of...
go UP

The Daily Grind: Do you have any love for jumping puzzles in MMOs?

It's hard for me to be sure exactly when MMOs decided that jumping puzzles were the thing to include as an option. Guild Wars 2 certainly...
Remember, he's bigger and stronger than you, but you're smaller and weaker!

Vague Patch Notes: Why the social penalty for open PvP in MMOs never works

One of the most important things to have when you're thinking about games and their design is reference material. It's one of the things...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the biggest homogeneity problem with outfits?

Every MMO has a certain upper limit on how many different outfits you can come up with. That's just the reality. And some games...
This town is honestly bigger than it needs to be and we shouldn't be there.

Fortnite’s newest patch adds in bottle rockets, campfires, and the wild west

Do you have a deep and unsatisfied need to tell your opponents in Fortnite that this municipal collection of residents lacks sufficient size for both...
Taaake ooooon meeee

Crowfall examines the issues of changing scoring rules mid-campaign

The nature of time-limited Campaigns in Crowfall has given rise to an interesting question of whether or not it's a good idea to patch the...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida shares more details about the reasoning behind Shadowbringers revelations

The second part of the Final Fantasy XIV fan festival trilogy has wrapped up, and Japanese gaming site Game Watch has sat down for an...
We never claimed to be saints.

Anthem explains its Alliance and Guild systems following its second demo, with hints about something more in the sky

While Anthem is not a game that will force you to play with others, it certainly wants you to, and part of that is down to the...

Gloria Victis updates open-world PvP to target differences in nation strength

The idea of having three-faction PvP in an MMO is that when one faction is dominating, the two remaining weaker factions can team up...
It's not quite so much of a model after all.

Camelot Unchained’s newsletter looks at the small parts building larger things

If there's one theme to the latest Camelot Unchained newsletter (and as always, it's a lengthy newsletter), it's the reality that there are lots of...
You couldn't have seen this coming, huh?

Albion Online teases its upcoming randomized PvE dungeons throughout the game world

The next update for Albion Online is offering new paths to treasure just spawning in the world, although you're going to have to fight through...
Sea what you did there.

Atlas plans to make the climb to the top less arduous for players

The development team behind Atlas is happy with the influence that hardcore players and large companies have upon the game. That's a core part of...