
Yep. All right. Super.

Past Fate shows off its first moments of gameplay in a new video

So what's it like when you first step into the world in Past Fate? You don't have to speculate about that any more because...
Let's effin go

Swords of Legends Online offers up videos of its Ancestral Records gameplay

Remember last week when Swords of Legends Online talked up its various gameplay modes in the Ancestral Records? Well, the good news is that...

The Daily Grind: Is there MMO content you won’t do because it’s too difficult?

The difficulty of raids in World of Warcraft does not contribute one whit to my lack of desire to take part in raids in World of...

Fortnite sends you flying with its new bouncer trap

All right, so Fortnite's battle royale has given you a vehicle in the form of a shopping cart. That's all well and good, but...

Go on a gameplay journey with Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

It has to be a geeky dream come true to be able to get into a restricted-access MMO and go on an adventure with...

Check out 25 minutes of State of Decay 2’s co-op

It may not be as massively as some might have liked, but State of Decay 2's co-op mode opens up the franchise to multiplayer...

Albion Online’s Lancelot update charges forward with fishing

The latest update to Albion Online finally adds the PvP gameplay the game was always meant to be about. What, you're saying PvP was...
I have to be wasted for this.

Identity gameplay video demos your Breaking Bad fantasy

The central tenant of Identity's concept is that this isn't going to be your run-of-the-mill combat MMO, but a life simulator that will let...
This is really World of Warcraft's fault, but I have to be comprehensive here.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs would be better off without crafting altogether?

I've opined before that the best way to deal with World of Warcraft's current crafting system is to scrap the whole thing and start...
If you doubted this before, well, don't.

The Daily Grind: Should expansions change the core of an MMO?

Those of us playing Final Fantasy XIV have had about two months with Stormblood now, which has prompted one complaint to come out as...

Sea of Thieves devs go on a riddle quest

Why do we get the feeling that a majority of Sea of Thieves' group gameplay will be devoted to players barking at each other...
Stabby stabby

Gigantic highlights the backstabbing fun of Tripp

Every game needs one character who slinks around in the shadows and stabs people in the back, and in Gigantic that character is Tripp....

Destiny 2 hits the almighty reset button

"Destiny 2 tells a brand-new story. What happens when a world full of superheroes loses their powers, their history, and their home?" The big almighty...

See the Sea of Thieves devs become tourists in their own game

Just because you make a game doesn't mean that you are an automatic expert in it. In the latest Sea of Thieves developer gameplay...
Yes, much better.

Grand Theft Auto Online introduces its new Tiny Racers mode, and it’s wonderful

The newest Adversary mode for Grand Theft Auto Online isn't about stealing things. It's barely even about exploding cars. No, it's about taking the...
Goal: murder.

The Daily Grind: Do you track your character goals in MMOs?

The second Final Fantasy XIV expansion is just around the corner, if "just around the corner" means "a few months away" for you. Me?...

Watch eight glorious minutes of developers playing Sea of Thieves

We have certainly heard the Sea of Thieves development team yammer on and on about many of the game's features (some great and some...
eff boys get money

Take a look at Black Desert Online’s Dark Knight in action

So, what do we know about Black Desert Online's Dark Knight so far? After the initial reveal we know that she exists, she's got...
Whatever, right?

Check out some Twilight Spirits gameplay and an evaluation from the end of beta

Remember Twilight Spirits? Possibly not, but there was a lot of hype around the game before its testing kicked off in full swing, or...
Ride like the wind.

Albion Online promises better PvE content in response to backer survey

The final beta for Albion Online rolls on, and it's going to keep on rolling well into next year. But what is the state...