guild wars 2

Official Site: Guild Wars 2
Studio: ArenaNet/NCsoft
Launch Date: August 28, 2012
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid B2P (Cash Shop, No Sub, Paid Expansions)
Platform: PC

Heading back to Guild Wars 2? Check out this fan summary of everything that’s changed

Guild Wars 2 is seven years old, so it stands to reason that the milestone has put the game back on the radar of...

Guild Wars 2’s next living story season, Icebrood Saga, begins September 17 with the Bound by Blood prologue episode

We're updating the post with the big news at the end! At noon today, ArenaNet is expected to take the wraps off Guild Wars 2's...

The Daily Grind: Would you play Guild Wars 2 Classic?

At the end of this week's podcast, Justin and I were chatting about Guild Wars 2's big announcement that's coming up later today, and...

The Stream Team: MOP celebrates Guild Wars 2’s anniversary

When it's your birthday, you get the crew together and party! And that's exactly what's happening as Massively OP gets together to celebrate Guild...
Now imagine you're dragging a sack.

Guild Wars 2 buffs cooking, dispenses anny gifts, and (maybe?) teases New Horizons

Furbish up your pots and pans and spices and veggies, Guild Wars 2 players, as today's patch makes good on one of Mike Zadorojny's...

One Shots: My other car is a ravenous dragon

Sure, in your normal, mundane life you drive a Prius hatchback, but in your virtual existence, you enjoy a ride that's a bit more...

Massively Overthinking: Problematic faves in MMOs

A while back, a reader suggested that it was impossible for a fan who loves something to recognize its shortcomings, and I was taken...
Come on, people now.

Guild Wars 2 is serving up a cooking patch and ascended food next week

ArenaNet clearly knows that the way to gamers' hearts is through their stomachs. This is not, of course, how anatomy works, but it seems...

Flameseeker Chronicles: What would a mobile Guild Wars 2 look like?

Ever wished Tyria could fit in your pocket? That dream could one day become a reality. A couple of weeks ago, we heard rumblings...

Guild Wars 2 is planning a nice big expansion boost in September

So let's assume for the moment that you are hopelessly far behind Guild Wars 2's curve at the moment for whatever reason. This is...
leave my dagron alone

Legends of Aria explains the new professions system it launched with Steam early access

Still fresh off its Steam early access launch last week, Legends of Aria has posted a new dev blog all about the Professions system....

Guild Wars 2 players raise eyebrows over new cash shop sword similar to one found in Gamigo MMO RIFT

Guild Wars 2 dropped a new cosmetic sword in the cash shop this week that's caused a ripple of fuss on the forums and...

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s best PvP mode isn’t what you think it is – it’s minigames

One could certainly argue that Guild Wars 2’s primary focus is that of a PvE, story driven game. Hell, I’d make that argument. Yet,...
but your acronym

Guild Wars 2 players organize a raiding tourney for August 24

Seeing player-run tourneys in Guild Wars 2 isn't exactly unusual, but this one is something a fair bit different. On August 24th, six guilds...
Just play along.

Guild Wars 2 tweaks skills and Fractals while adding in a 2v2 map

It's two teams of two facing off in the latest addition to Guild Wars 2 via patch: The latest update adds a 2v2 map...

Guild Wars 2’s seventh anniversary gifts are being wrapped for you

What's the oldest character you have on Guild Wars 2? That's a more pertinent question than in other MMORPGs, as elderly characters benefit from...

One Shots: The secret life of NPCs

What goes on with NPCs when you're not looking? Egocentric adventurers think that they're sitting around, sharpening blades, and preparing their spellbooks for encounters,...

Battle Bards Episode 150: The great plains

It may not be the most sexy or exotic of biomes, but plains tend to pop up in pretty much every MMORPG — and...
A whole new wait, no, not doing this song, never mind.

The Daily Grind: How should MMOs handle flying mounts in future content?

A couple of weeks ago on the Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I derailed into a discussion about flight in MMOs and how MMOs...

Massively Overthinking: Morality and compelling choices in MMOs

The most recent episode of The Psychology of Video Games podcast touches on a subject we don't tackle very much: moral choices. It's an...