harry potter
Massively OP Podcast Episode 212: Harry Potter, progression servers, and No MMO’s Sky
Justin and Bree discuss the Harry Potter mobile MMOARG; progression servers for RIFT, LOTRO, and EverQuest; No Man's Sky's MMO ambitions; WoW 8.1.5; Blade & Soul's next big thing; and The Division 2's sleepy launch. With reader mail on factional divides, the death of playable races, and staying healthy while gaming.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is basically Pokemon Go with wands and deatheaters
Today, Niantic let loose with a big blast of official details of its upcoming ARG mobile game that takes place both in our world and...
Perfect Ten: Hit franchises that were almost made into MMORPGs
For my money, there are few more tantalizing and agonizing thoughts than the great "What Ifs?" of the MMO genre. What if one title...
The MOP Up: WildStar suffers another indignity
Miss WildStar? Well at least there's the soundtrack to listen to on various sites, right? Nope! Apparently NCsoft pulled the acclaimed score from sites...
Perfect Ten: Mobile MMOs to watch in 2018
Love it or hate it, MMOs are going mobile in ever-increasing numbers. Last year saw a crop of acclaimed titles making their way to...
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite teases flying broomsticks while Niantic throws a $1M contest
In the first official video since its initial one, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite teased the famous Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick. It looks as though...
The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v2.0
While The Game Archaeologist columns take up the most time of any project I do here at Massively OP, I absolutely love doing them...
Perfect Ten: MMOs to watch in 2019
The MMO genre is in a strange and uncertain place right now -- but also one that is quietly thrilling. We've long passed the...
Covens: The Ember Days is here to satisfy your needs for AR magical games
If you're in dire need of some kind of augmented reality title with a magical theme and the thought of waiting until 2019 for...
Niantic’s Harry Potter ARG Wizards Unite opens enlistment with new trailer
Turns out that Ingress Prime wasn't the only fun thing Niantic was plotting for November: The studio best known for Pokemon Go also announced...
Niantic isn’t ready quite yet to talk about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
Potterheads got all kinds of excited about last November's announcement of a Pokemon Go-style ARG called Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (heck, so did we!)....
The Game Archaeologist: Harry Potter Online
If all goes well, later this year we will finally be treated to an actual Harry Potter MMORPG in the form of Harry Potter:...
Netmarble weathers a slightly down quarter while Lineage 2 Revolution drives revenue
South Korean games publisher Netmarble posted its financial report for the last quarter of 2017, ending the year on a bit of a down...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 144: Harry Potter and the Deathly ARG
Justin and Bree talk Guild Wars 2 mounts, the Harry Potter ARG, SWTOR's merge, WoW, LOTRO, Pocket Legends Adventures, Android games, and Bluehole's Ascent: Infinite Realm, with mailbag questions on GW2 marketing, visual effect shenanigans, and MMOs as escapism.
Divining the details of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite from a Pokemon Go player’s perspective
When we first heard rumors about a Harry Potter version of Pokemon Go, I said I could barely imagine what the game might be like before...
Niantic accios a Harry Potter mobile MMOARG
Like the idea of a mobile augmented reality game (ARG) but aren't really keen on Pokémon? Niantic, the operator of Ingress and Pokémon Go,...
Make My MMO: Elyria’s funding and Osiris’ console plans (October 1, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Chronicles of Elyria caused an unintentional stir this week when Soulbound Studios posted that it still needed up to...
Harry Potter lookalike Maguss Wand plans Indiegogo for AR MMO
Augmented reality MMOs aren't new, but we're about to see a bunch of new ones, propelled by the unexpected success of Pokemon Go. Case in...
MMO Mechanics: Three ways non-MMO IPs could create great mechanics
I really enjoy being a guest on Larry Everett's video series Massively Opinionated, a series in which MMO enthusiasts answer some tough questions and...
Indie Harry Potter MMO slapped with cease and desist
Let this be an important lesson to any would-be game designers: If you try to make a game based on a very well-known IP...