
A journey into complexity.

Perfect Ten: A sampler of crowdfunded MMOs and how they’re doing

I've gone on the record many a time as being deeply suspicious of Kickstarter and crowdfunding when it comes to MMOs. There are reasons...

The Repopulation says it’s been ‘quite the adventure’ as it gives a fall development roadmap

Many people may have written off sandbox MMO The Repopulation a long time ago (especially when it changed hands), but perhaps decision was a...

The Repopulation team recreated over 1100 pieces of furniture from earlier builds

Let's be honest, it's never a good sign that I forget about an MMO until I see a developer tweet about it, but in...

The Repopulation talks up item and crafting updates, adds new signs and buildings, and fixes mission bugs

The April update post for in-development sci-fi sandbox MMORPG The Repopulation is out, and it has a variety of things to discuss, leading off...

The Repopulation patches, plans, and prepares for partial wipes

The Repopulation's long and difficult road in reclaiming excitement and an actual population will be paved with meaningful patches and continued development - or...

The Repopulation’s latest alpha patch touches on inventory and optimization

It seems strange now, but five or six years ago, The Repopulation was a much-wanted Kickstarted MMORPG, with visual and design roots in sandboxes...

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2020

Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's weekly and sometimes biweekly recap of the big news in crowdfunded MMOs. If you're...

The Repopulation further talks up inventory and storage refinements, announces plans for mini-wipes

Yup, it's another update post from The Repopulation all about inventory. Inventories are now being handled by the same backend system, removing duplicates and...

The Repopulation talks up its new inventory system and plans to remove character model bones

The Repopulation closed out its October updates with talk of containers and bones, which seems thematically appropriate, except the containers in question are related...
Oh, good, I was worried this would be a happy story.

The Repopulation promises new skills, system revamps, and more in its latest roadmap

A lot of the progress made in development of The Repopulation is pretty granular: bug fixes here, some greybox builds replaced there, things of...

The Repopulation replaces whiteboxes with art and improves harvesting regions

The May/June update from The Repopulation is available for fans to read through and it's once more chock full of steady yet incremental progress...
Sorry, dude.

The Repopulation continues to squash bugs and plans to add water soon

There's been yet another bug-crushing update made to The Repopulation, which is to be expected for a game still in an alpha state. This...

The Repopulation works through an annoying crash issue and begins filling out whitebox areas

The April update from The Repopulation notes some pretty important progress. The latest build has addressed a persistent 02 crash issue with the help...

Interview: The Repopulation’s lead dev on its new engine and survival spin-off Fragmented

Following Above & Beyond Technologies' January announcement that it was solving The Repopulation's HeroEngine crisis by getting the heck away from HeroEngine, we spoke...

The Repopulation remains skeptical about HeroEngine’s latest announcement

HeroEngine owner Idea Fabrik announced yesterday that it has made "several positive adjustments" in regard to its ongoing financial situation - namely, "reducing server...

The Repopulation rejects blame for Hero Engine’s financial struggles

The Repopulation's struggles with the money-troubled Hero Engine service have led to game delays, server downtime, and suspended development, and the drama continues today. Earlier this week,...

The Repopulation: ‘The risk of downtime is very real’

Throughout November, we've been covering The Repopulation's troubles with Idea Fabrik, the company that runs Hero Engine, on which The Repopulation was built. Idea...