MUD stands for “multi-user dungeon.” MUDs are typically characterized as text-based proto-MMORPGs.
The Game Archaeologist: Shadowbane
Way back when I used to haunt the corridors of Gamestop and had yet to shun the place due to its stinky evil, I remember...
ELOA hits open beta, launches in a week
We will assume that this morning you sprang out of bed, threw open the curtains, and shouted to the birds, "Hello world, it's ELOA Open Beta...
Stash combines tabletop gaming, infinite leveling, and turn-based combat
If you have been looking for an MMO that's different in just about every way conceivable and draws upon nearly two decades of operating...
Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Moral panic and online griefing
Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt’s book The Video Game Debate. As you can guess, the book itself focuses...
The Game Archaeologist: Dark Sun Online
Computer RPG players in the late '80s and early '90s were surely familiar with Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI) and its now-famous Gold Box series....
Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Modern online game research
Late last year, I published on Massively-that-was a set of articles addressing current research on the relationship between shyness and online game friendships, including a...
MUD devs cancel Kickstarter project to make other games
Open world crafting sandbox MUD made a splash on Steam's Greenlight earlier this year, but its Kickstarter drive wasn't quite as successful. Developer Ben...
The Game Archaeologist: Lucasfilm’s Habitat
Some of you reading this may simply never have known a world before the internet existed by virtue of your age. It's not your...
MUD’s Ben Walsh on the female character stretch goal and Kickstarter ambition
The sandbox known as MUD -- not to be confused with actual MUDs -- launched an ambitious Kickstarter this week, provoking the MMO community to do...
Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs more social from the inside out
This week's Massively Overthinking topic from an anonymous Kickstarter donor asks us to set aside our criticisms of the social environment of MMOs and...
MUD launches its Kickstarter following a successful greenlight
MUD is not a MUD. It's inspired in part by MUDs, but the game itself is meant as an open world crafting sandbox driven...
Perfect Ten: Mobile MMOs coming soon to a pocket near you
It may be true that interest in playing and developing mobile games has peaked, although personally I very much like mobile gaming. On the...
Territory control is explained in the latest update for Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is part of a universe that is all about people fighting and killing over inches of mud on a battlefield....
The Game Archaeologist: Kingdom of Drakkar
Kingdom of Drakkar, also known as Drakkar or even Kingdom of Drakkar II, is a really odd duck among the annals of MMO history....
The Game Archaeologist: The 4th Coming
Over the years that I've been writing The Game Archaeologist, I've received more than a few requests to cover a game that was completely...
Iron Realms creates user-friendly MUD client
It's easy for the modern MMO gamer to be put off by multi-user dungeons (MUDs), what with their lack of graphical frills and their...
Massively Overthinking: What would persuade you to play a classic MMO?
For this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter donor Sargon wants us think back to 1997, when Ultima Online launched and parted MMOs from graphical MUDs forever....
Ask Mo: The trouble with roleplaying in MMORPGs
Long ago on Massively-that-was, a reader named Avaera sent in a long list of fabulous questions worth addressing. I'm tackling another in today's edition...
Ask Mo: Jobs in the MMO industry, jobs in MMOs
Today, we're reintroducing our general MMO advice column, here named Ask Mo: the column where you ask Mo questions, and he... lets me answer them for...
The Soapbox: Facing an industry of change
Right now I believe that we are on a threshold of change in the MMO industry, and it feels a little uncertain and a...