
See: Pathfinder Online

Wandering Wraeclast: A class guide to getting started in Path of Exile

Just because Path of Exile is more than five years old doesn't mean the influx of new players has dwindled. In fact, for quite...
It goes clicky.

Global Chat: Off-the-cuff impressions of Anthem

If you like BioWare, high tech eye candy, blowing crap up, or riding the current wave of Hot New Game Releases, chances are that...
Big oof.

Pathfinder Online adds enchanting, runs a major multi-week event

So what is going on with the struggling-yet-still-somehow-alive Pathfinder Online? It turns out that this fantasy title has been chugging its way along in...

Global Chat: What MMO bloggers think about Battle for Azeroth

There certainly is no shortage of opinions concerning World of Warcraft's latest expansion out there lately. The blogosphere by and large turned its full...
Oh, so many trials.

Pathfinder Online promises free trial, open enrollment, and a marketing push

About nine people showed up at a GenCon Pathfinder Online panel this past weekend, during which Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens gave an update on...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: You got your MMORPG in my tabletop RPG

Tabletop games and MMORPGs seem like they would go well together, but remarkably they often don't. That's true for several reasons, but one of...
The path was found after all.

Whatever happened to Line of Defense, The Exiled, and Pathfinder Online?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...

Star Citizen: Subber PTU access ‘perk’, developments in the Crytek lawsuit, and patch 3.0.1

Who says subscriptions are dead? Not Star Citizen. The alpha MMORPG has long taken a page out of the Pathfinder Online playbook by offering...
It's a fooler.

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2018

This is, bar none, the column I hate doing most on a regular basis. None of the games I highlight in here is something...

Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2017

Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's regular recap of what's going on in crowdfunded MMOs, which we do specifically...
mule punchers

Pathfinder Online drops a small patch to protect mules and fix other errors

At long last, the vicious mule exploits of Pathfinder Online have been addressed. No longer will players group up with their friends and attack...

Pathfinder Online perseveres with housing and ninjas

This is your bi-annual reminder that, yes, Pathfinder Online continues to exist and even grow through development. The reduced team pushed out its first...

Massively Overthinking: The state of early access, alpha, and beta ‘testing’ in the MMO genre

I remember years ago when then-Massively-columnist Rubi Bayer let loose with a blistering rant on the state of faux beta MMOs. She helmed Betawatch...

Star Citizen helps players find the right spaceship for them

With all of the many spaceships designed (and sold) for Star Citizen so far, it might be a little confusing which might be the...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: The 10 saddest MMORPG stories

Every MMO tells a story through the run of its life. A lot of those stories are pretty happy, too. Ultima Online may not...
And we may not pass this way again.

Pathfinder Online makes territory control more meaningful

Controlling territory doesn't mean a lot if anyone can still enter the territory you control, does it? Pathfinder Online players can make use of...

World of Warcraft eases up on flight requirements

Great news today for World of Warcraft players stressed out over the last batch of requirements to regain their pilot's license. Blizzard announced on...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 109: We are all Dragonborn

Justin and Bree discuss our PAX awards, Guild Wars 2, Wizard101, WoW, LOTRO, DDO, The Repopulation, EverQuest, Eternal Crusade, and Pathfinder, with mailbag questions on Funcom's mystery game and Landmark-like sandboxes.
The path was found after all.

Pathfinder Online has a roadmap forward and a plan for completion

If you'd lost hope in Pathfinder Online ever making any forward motion again, you should be happy to see that there's a new letter...

World of Warcraft helps you get your pilot’s license for Legion

Remember how a while back Blizzard told fans that it was looking at eliminating flying from all World of Warcraft expansions going forward? Yeah, so...