playstation 3

Considering the ‘housing crisis’ in MMOs like Ultima Online, FFXIV, and EVE Online

MMORPGs with limited digital real estate for player housing such as ArcheAge and Ultima Online may be hurting rather than helping the overall game,...

Wisdom of Nym: What will Final Fantasy XIV do for melee damage dealers in Endwalker?

This particular role is the easiest one to fill up whenever there's any column about the various roles getting stuff added in Final Fantasy XIV....

One Shots: Fantasy updrafting

The way I see it, MMORPGs encourage us past our timidity and fear to be bold. So fight that dragon! Get a selfie with...

The Daily Grind: What are your fall MMO plans?

After a brief August lull in the crazy launch cycle that's been 2021, we're looking to ramp back up again with a lot of...

Destiny 2 offers an overview of ‘Void 3.0’ subclass features arriving with The Witch Queen

The news continues to gush forth from Destiny 2 as the devs at Bungie talk up additional features coming with The Witch Queen expansion's...
The man with the scars.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off its anniversary fiction with Tales from the Twilight

Today marks the eight-year anniversary of Final Fantasy XIV's successful relaunch, and that means celebration. The obvious in-game celebration is the Rising event, of course,...

Destiny 2 elaborates on adjustments coming to Trials of Osiris on September 10

A number of things were unleashed upon Destiny 2 fans during the game's showcase presentation, including the next expansion, the launch of the Season...

EverQuest II opens fresh content for Kaladin, EverQuest begins Stone Cold Summer

Daybreak's MMOs are getting love this week. Not only did PlanetSide 2 get a big patch, DC Universe Online get a new episode, and...

DC Universe Online’s House of Legends launches new hub, episode, and allies system

As promised, Daybreak pushed House of Legends to the DC Universe Online live servers this week. It's a freebie episode for everyone. The episode...
La la la la la, I'm in love with lovely Johnny

Massively OP Podcast Episode 336: Bards and battleships

Justin and Bree discuss World of Warships, Roblox, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, Elyon, and Neverwinter, with adventures in LOTRO, FFXIV, GW2, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on repurposing nostalgia and transplanting MMO systems.

DC Universe Online takes you to the House of Legends tomorrow

Where do you go to hang out when you've got a pair of spandex tights, unlicensed superpowers, and a desire to hobnob with fellow...

Choose My Adventure: A quick spot of building and crafting in Trove

I have to admit, this one didn't take long at all to get through. I sort of assumed that building things in Trove was...
Carry that water.

Final Fantasy XIV sets the entire Aether data center to congested

The massive influx of players in Final Fantasy XIV has continued unabated, prompting another update from producer and director Naoki Yoshida regarding the situation....

Destiny 2 Witch Queen expansion leaks ahead of today’s stream [Updated]

Bungie is gearing up for a big stream for Destiny 2 today, with plans to reveal The Witch Queen, one of a pair of expansions...
Sing a song of madness.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s cash shop and the existential horror of monetization

The fact that there's a cash shop in Final Fantasy XIV is something that is absolutely impossible to discuss in a value-neutral fashion. Simply...

One Shots: Catniss Everkeen

"The true endgame of FFXIV is fashion, but in the process of documenting my many many glamours sometimes I get a cool action shot,"...
Rise, rise, rise.

Final Fantasy XIV brings back The Rising for its eighth anniversary on August 27

Another year of operation is moving into the rear-view mirror for Final Fantasy XIV, and that means another iteration of The Rising coming around...

Global Chat: Hitting that endgame wall in MMOs

MMO blogger Digital Visceral recently wrote about a situation that many of us encounter in our games: Hitting that max level and feeling at...

Final Fantasy XIV plans a stress test for the Japanese data centers… but not North America or Europe

Ahead of the release of the Endwalker expansion, Final Fantasy XIV's staff wants to make sure that the game's servers are up for the...
Toss me a cure, will you?

Wisdom of Nym: What will Final Fantasy XIV add to its healers in Endwalker?

Here's an interesting facet to consider: Unlike most of the other entries in this Wisdom of Nym series about Endwalker speculation, this one isn't...