
See: Phantasy Star Online 2

Very, very, very late.

Phantasy Star Online 2 starts an open beta test on March 17

It's time to open the doors to Phantasy Star Online 2. Or nearly time, at least; the game's open beta testing is kicking off on March...
Phun phor the phamily.

Vague Patch Notes: Phantasy Star Online 2 might be in a better place than you think

A couple years back (this being the definition where "a couple" means "I can't remember precisely how many"), I was talking with a friend...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: MMOs I’m optimistic about in 2020

I didn't actually plan to make this an annual feature or anything; I thought of it last year as a fun list, and then...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 259: Once upon a Phantasy Star

Justin and Bree discuss Blizzard, PSO2, WoW Classic, Camelot, the site's 5th anniversary, adventures in STO and SWGL, and mailbag topics on Daybreak, the podcast, and gaming ambassadors.
Or not. We could not.

Technical issues extended Phantasy Star Online 2’s weekend beta an extra day

So, how was your Phantasy Star Online 2 closed beta experience? Chances are it was a bit bumpy, but it also was expanded by...

Phantasy Star Online 2’s North American Xbox One beta begins tonight

It's a happy day for MMORPG players - at least if you've got an Xbox One. That's because Phantasy Star Online 2 is finally,...

Phantasy Star Online 2 is confirmed for Steam, according to its own game manual

Sometimes it pays to comb through an official game website. Cyber-sleuths looking for any and all scraps of information about Phantasy Star Online 2 recently...

Phantasy Star Online 2 prepares players for closed beta with English voice acting and retained progress

Fans with an Xbox One are going to be playtesting the localized version of Phantasy Star Online 2 on February 7th. Players on the PC...
Yeah, it's never happening.

Phantasy Star Online 2’s North American Xbox One beta begins February 7

Get out your "it's happening" gifs or maybe just your "thank goodness, some good news today" signs: Sega formally put a date on Phantasy...
Phun phor the phamily.

Phantasy Star Online 2 promises closed beta testing dates ‘soon’

Calm down, Phantasy Star Online 2 hopefuls! Why would everyone be so antsy about a lack of any firm dates for the game's closed beta...

Perfect Ten: Upcoming MMOs to watch in 2020

There is a great feeling of flipping a calendar over to a fresh year, isn't there? All that promise and potential spread out in...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs do you want to play in 2020?

There's nothing like a new year -- and a new decade! -- to encourage one to make grand plans that may or may not...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2020

With 2019 drawing to a close and a new decade of MMORPGs waiting for us just a few days away, the Massively OP writing...

Wheeee Phantasy Star Online 2 is now accepting closed beta signups in North America

One of the big surprises of 2019 - and also one of the most welcome ones - was the revelation that Phantasy Star Online...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v3.0

Behind history are people and stories, some of them well-known and some of them obscure. It has been my mission in The Game Archaeologist...
Here we go.

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO surprises of 2019

After 10 years of covering MMORPG news, I can assure you that I am still fired up to keep doing this. One of the...

Massively Overthinking: What MMO were you hoping to hear much more about this year?

Going through our coverage of 2019's MMOs, I realized there are a bunch of games that have previously been on our "anticipated" lists that...
Let's go.

The Daily Grind: What future games give you hope for MMOs?

There is no doubt we have definitely moved into a different era of MMORPG development, with super-huge AAA-budget titles and releases being a thing...

Perfect Ten: Solo prequel games to MMORPGs

When studios go about making MMORPGs, risk comes along with the effect as a matter of course. The only question is how to reduce...
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: The fantasy MMO zone atlas

There are, let's face it, a limited number of different ways to design real-adjacent zones in any fantasy game. At the end of the...