Star Citizen Around the Verse deep-dives its player interaction system
On Star Citizen's Around the Verse episode this week, Erin Roberts checks in from the UK studios in Wilmslow, where the team is working...
Mark Hamill caps off Star Citizen’s latest Around the Verse
This week's episode of Around the Verse sees Star Citizen's Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner bookending the Austin studio update and tech check-in. The Austin...
‘This universe is going to be awesome’: Chris Roberts on Star Citizen’s evolving moons
On this week's Around the Verse, Star Citizen's Chris Roberts and Sandi Gardiner bookend two key segments. The first is a studio update with...
Star Citizen starts building surface outposts, continues to test Patch 2.6.2
It's always a good day when you get to open up a new box full of fun toys to build worlds to your heart's...
Star Citizen’s Around the Verse explores the music of Squadron 42
Music and sound for Squadron 42 is the focus of this week's Star Citizen Across the Verse show. The team brought on Emmy Award-winning...
Star Citizen talks about the process of creating lore
"We wanted to take some time to day and talk about the process, how lore is actually made for a video game, since that's...
Here’s why Star Citizen is using Lumberyard – and why CIG waited to tell us
Just before the holiday weekend, Cloud Imperium announced that both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are using Lumberyard, Amazon’s robust game engine, and in...
Star Citizen launches 2.6 Star Marine, announces Amazon Lumberyard partnership
It's always nice to be able to report good news about Star Citizen, as one of our readers noted when sending us this tip, and...
Star Citizen unlocks all ships for backers until October 17
In celebration of the anniversary of Star Citizen's original Kickstarter (and maybe as a wee apology for the delay of Squadron 42 announced at...
Star Citizen: CitizenCon recap and Squadron 42 delay
Star Citizen's rolled out its massive CitizenCon finale last night in LA, with multiple Cloud Imperium reps hitting the stage during the presentation to talk...
Star Citizen’s CitizenCon kicks off today
Star Citizens are focused on exactly one thing this weekend. (Well, two if you're in Florida, in which case you're probably fleeing for your...
Star Citizens quibble over Squadron 42’s release date
A German games journalist whose Gamescom video report on Star Citizen and Squadron 42 was picked up by an English-speaking outlet has clarified his...
Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davis talk about shooting Squadron 42
You would think that if one were ever able to get Luke Skywalker, Gimli, and that Wing Commander guy into the same room together,...
Star Citizen’s new season of Around the Verse shakes up the format
Season three of Star Citizen's long-running Around the Verse series is kicking off this week with a special guest: Chris Roberts himself.
Roberts joins regular...
The MOP Up: Mark Hamill’s new tour of duty (May 22, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
The MOP Up: Easter springs upon us (March 27, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Star Citizen’s latest Around the Verse covers the parts of the game and the availability of ships
If you're eagerly awaiting Star Citizen's next major version update, you can take heart that it's on its way. The latest issue of Around...
See Andy Serkis mimic zero gee for Squadron 42
There's a theory out there that Andy Serkis was actually born in a full motion-capture suit as part of an educational series for expectant...
Star Citizen’s latest set of player answers involve outrunning the law
So you're minding your own business in Star Citizen and just committing certain deeds which may - under certain laws - be considered "grotesquely...
Massively Overthinking: The Star Citizen money machine
Massively OP reader Ichi has posed us an interesting question. At the end of 2015, a lot of gamers, including some of our own...