sandbox interactive

The studio behind Albion Online.

No! Not this! Wrong time!

Albion Online promises surprises for its Rites of Spring starting on April 12

Look, see that header image up there? That's not what is coming to Albion Online with the arrival of the Rites of Spring event starting on...

Choose My Adventure: The point of a community-guided MMO column

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Choose My Adventure programming for something of a meta discussion on what this column is meant to be and...

MassivelyOP’s guide to 13 MMORPGs that you can play on Macs

Until I got my first Macbook this past December, I admit that I never really paid attention to what MMOs could be played on...

Albion Online tweaks controller functionality, removes Russia-themed guild logos

If you've been testing out the new controller options for Albion Online, then today's update is only going to make your life easier. The...

Choose My Adventure: Secret World Legends makes me reconsider my interest in the series

After several weeks of slogging my way through classic The Secret World, I now find our readers have dispatched me to Secret World Legends....
No, smaller. Smaller.

Albion Online prepares for another Invasion Day broadcast this afternoon

One of the likely highlights for GvG warfare in Albion Online is Invasion Day, which is the point in the seasonal schedule when stored...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 365: Free Middle-earth

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO's monetization shift, NCsoft's Throne and Liberty, Albion Online, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Elyon, and ArcheAge, with adventures in LOTRO, DDO, WoW Classic, Guild Wars 2, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on SSG support and our favorite MMO zones.

Albion Online’s 2022 roadmap includes weapon line revamps and solo-friendly content

Is March 14th too late for a 2022 roadmap? Albion Online's Sandbox Interactive says no, as SBI's Robin Henkys takes to the comfy chair...
No, smaller. Smaller.

Albion Online’s Season 15 and returning Keeper’s Challenge are underway

Things are happening in the world of Albion Online. Last week saw a couple of major events get underway for the sandbox MMORPG, specifically...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO that you’re not playing?

The reality of the MMORPG genre is that even when the genre was small, there weren't enough hours in the day to play everything....

Albion Online’s controller beta is live today along with Steam Deck functionality

Happy Albion Online patch day to everyone hungry to play with a controller! In conjunction with the launch of Season 15 today, controller support...

Albion Online launches controller support next week ahead of Steam Deck support

If you aren't a big fan of trying to manipulate Albion Online on your phone, but you also don't want to deal with your...

Albion Online issues a hotfix to address Season 14 reward distribution problems

While players of Albion Online might be champing at the bit for the start of Season 15, there's still the matter of getting rewarded...

The MOP Up: Uncharted Waters Online decodes the secrets of human heritage

Uncharted Waters Online's "greatest challenge yet" arrived last week with its Olympia patch. This update added a new legacy theme to decode, a fight...

Albion Online Season 15 kicks off March 5, promises more might, more favor, and faster might levels

More is more in Season 15 of Albion Online. The upcoming guild-centric PvP season is promising more might and favor, better might level progression,...
No, smaller. Smaller.

Albion Online offers a straightforward video guide to its Arena PVP

If you want to engage in all of the thrill of PvP combat in Albion Online but don't want to risk the not-actually-thrilling consequence...
Where does the time go?

Albion Online brings back the Carnival Challenge for the month of February

What's that jovial music you hear in the air? Why is that jester sneaking around behind that knight in the picture above? Why, it...

Albion Online posts sweeping combat balance changes in latest patch

The latest Albion Online update is a hodge-podge of tweaks and enhancements to the Lands Awakened build, including what Sandbox Interactive is calling "extensive...

The Daily Grind: What were your three most-played MMOs in 2021?

Usually at the end of the year, Justin will ask me on the MOP Podcast what my top-played MMOs of the year turned out...
I want a Milky Way.

The Daily Grind: If you quit WoW in 2021, where did you go?

A while back on Reddit, I saw a question asking former World of Warcraft players where they've gone. It's not a novel question; we've...