
It's not in imminent danger!

There’s an ARG going on in Elite: Dangerous right now

Elite: Dangerous players are in the midst of an ARG based around in-game artifacts that were tracked down by a coordinated community effort. Producer...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s 12x XP leveling guide and Ziost’s finale

Happy Revenge of the Fifth! Because this column comes out on Tuesday, I'm a wee bit behind on wishing you a happy Star Wars...

WildStar’s massive INVASION: Nexus patch is live

Do you want a pet? Do you want to take on some contracts? Are you excited to play around with an expanded wardrobe? Is...

Not So Massively: HoN’s fifth anniversary update; Dota 2 rakes in millions of dollars

Heroes of Newerth received a colossal patch this week to celebrate its fifth anniversary, introducing a new intelligence carry hero, a capture the flag...

EVE Online’s PLEX is helping Nepal victims

Have you donated to disaster relief efforts in Nepal yet? If not, and if you're an EVE Online player, you can do so via...
Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online honoring Grace Lee Whitney

"We raise our memorial flags at the loss of Grace Lee Whitney," STO's Twitter feed read earlier this afternoon. "Star Trek Online will be honoring...
May 4th

SWTOR is on sale at Amazon for May 4

Am I the only Star Wars fan who realizes that May 4th is a dumb day to celebrate the saga? I get it, someone thought...
This was not actually complex.

Elite: Dangerous generates its galaxy with NASA data

Elite: Dangerous is a work of science fiction; that's not under discussion. So as in all science fiction, the developers just created a galaxy by selecting...
GTA Online

The Daily Grind: How many MMOs are on your hard drive?

I got a new gaming computer last week, and I'm in the process of downloading a few MMOs. I've only got 300 GB to work with,...

EVE Evolved: Seven years of EVE Evolved

When I started writing about EVE Online for Massively back in 2008, the MMO genre was really hitting its stride, and emerging sites like...

Anarchy Online has full IP reset, new zones in the works

Anarchy Online may be fresh off its mighty 18.7.0 patch, but the team is not slowing down to congratulate itself. A new dev update...
Right in half.

Star Citizen’s April report contains some interesting persistent universe nuggets

Star Citizen fans, I hope you have a cup of coffee or some other caffeinated beverage, because it's time for the space sim sandbox's...
Why does everyone have this plan after the fact instead of before?

WildStar outlines its PvP seasons as the first season ends

The next major patch for WildStar is bringing the end of a season of PvP. Did you know you were taking part in the...

SWTOR pulls healing changes for further review

Our mother always said never to do anything in half-measures, which is why she may approve of BioWare yanking some of the upcoming healing...

Project Genom gameplay video shows off its high-tech weapons

The sci-fi shooter Project Genom is making great strides with its post-Unreal Engine 4 transition, and the dev team put together a new gameplay...

Elite: Dangerous tests interplay between Mac and PC versions

Being a member of the Mac gaming tribe no longer means that you have to be quarantined from the glorious PC master race, at...

SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor finale is coming next week

BioWare launched Star Wars: The Old Republic's Rise of the Emperor patch yesterday alongside a brand-new trailer we've included below. The patch drops players on...
EVE Online

EVE’s Mosaic update is now live

CCP has successfully upgraded EVE Online with today's Mosaic patch. The new Opportunities tutorial system is now available for all newbs, and the patch...

Hyperspace Beacon: Hands-on with SWTOR’s Rise of the Emperor update

If you read the last Hyperspace Beacon, then you know that BioWare's announcement that Ziost is finally hitting Star Wars: The Old Republic excited...

Not So Massively: LoL’s Reddit controversy, HotS’ Heroes of the Dorm

If ever we needed evidence that e-sports are fast becoming more like real-life sports, this week's MOBA news provided it. Dota 2 announced that...