Previewing Path of Exile’s mind-blowing Act IV
If you thought Path of Exile's previous three content updates would be hard acts to follow, you clearly haven't heard enough about the upcoming...
Chaos Theory: Six tips for new Secret World players
Now that Blingzilla is no longer roaming the lands tempting everyone with goodies galore (or turning movement into a stroll through a mire of...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Four fabulous Guild Wars 2 vistas worth visting
Guild Wars 2 makes me tick because the creatives at ArenaNet have laid such a unique and amazingly vast world at my character's feet, filled with...
DCUO releases new munitions power set
DC Universe Online released its 13th power set today. Munitions "allows players to master over-the-top explosives, powerful ballistics, and large weapons," according to a...
Shroud of the Avatar chronicles community projects
The most recent update to Shroud of the Avatar had a bit of a bunny theme. It was intentional, a bit of a nod...
One Shots: Row, row, row your boat
When I'm perusing my One Shots mail folder seeking that special picture that will make the headlines, I'm not looking for anything in particular....
Greed Monger is dead in the water; sole programmer quits
The future looks quite grim for Greed Monger today, as its lead programmer, James Proctor, announced on the game's social media accounts that...
Ascent is MMO space simming done right
My favorite thing about Ascent: The Space Game is its planetary rotation. It's a small thing, granted, but the first time I sat still...
Wakfu releases the second part of the island of Kelba
The island of Kelba is not a relaxing island vacation for Wakfu players. Instead, it's a place for players to meet and take on...
‘Big damn patch’ arrives in H1Z1
There are patches, there are big patches, and then there are big damn patches. H1Z1 updated with the latter today, adding in several significant...
Trove’s Fish ‘N’ Ships update is live
Fish and chips is a dish of English origin consisting of battered fish and french fries, preferably served with tartar sauce for the fish...
Raptr steps into video social media with
Raptr's new platform called could be compared to Twitch because it focuses on video games, but it's probably more like Vine or Instagram...
One Shots: Wedded bliss
Have you ever gotten married? In game, I mean. Well, if you haven't screenshotted it, it didn't happen. Fortunately this Final Fantasy XIV couple...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Shifting perspectives in Guild Wars 2
Since my last edition of Flameseeker Chronicles, ArenaNet has released the eagerly anticipated camera patch, and I have been squealing with delight while enjoying...
WildStar outlines pets and wardrobe mechanics
Have you longed for a Rowsdower companion of your very own as you venture about in WildStar? Did you hate the game's costume system...
Asteroids: Outpost tests out the ore buggy
Classic video game-cum-MMO Asteroids: Outpost is making strides forward in its testing, according to updates on Steam. While the game is in pre-alpha testing...
One Shots: Memories of those long lost
Sometimes we start silly, and sometimes we start weird, but today we're going to start somber and reflective. Reader Becca made a discovery that...
SWTOR livestream introduces new planet, outfit designer
Star Wars: The Old Republic teased at the Community Cantina and in the producer's letter that 3.2 would be one of the biggest patches...
EVE Fanfest 2015: EVE is getting customisable structures and player-built stargates
It's often said that EVE Online is ultimately built by its players and that the developer's job is to produce the tools for players...
Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot
It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...