sony online entertainment

See: SOE, now Daybreak Game Company

The Daily Grind: Are we watching the AAA video game market burst?

About four years ago, I wrote one of the pieces I'm still most proud of: It essentially argued that the MMO industry was suffering...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR takes us to Dantooine for the fifth time in a video game

My very first memory of Dantooine was surprisingly its first real appearance in a video game at all. Star Wars Galaxies imagined Dantooine as...
Yeah but WHY though

EverQuest offers a refresher course on Planes of Power progression and impact

Once upon a time, Planes of Power was the fourth expansion for EverQuest and it focused more upon alternate advancement for max-level players. The expansion has...

Star Wars MMOs pay tribute to the life of Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew

Star Wars fans are in mourning tonight as the original actor behind everyone's favorite walking carpet Chewbacca, Peter Mayhew, is now one with the...

Massively Overthinking: Super wrong snap judgments of MMORPGs

The year was 2004, and the month was May. My guild was growing increasingly frustrated with Star Wars Galaxies' slow development pace, so we...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends is running multiple live events and double everything this weekend for May the Fourth

Yesterday we covered some of the MMO industry's goings-on for this weekend's Star Wars-themed May the Fourth Be With You festivities, characterizing the fun...

Daybreak deletes H1Z1 Maui lootbox skin citing cultural representation concerns

While the war over lockboxes rages on in online games, there's another war brewing about the nature of what's in them, as a move...

DC Universe Online GU94 is live with spring content and level streamlining

Spring has sprung, or more accurately it sprang a while ago and it's finally springing into DC Universe Online today. After a lengthy downtime earlier...

Here’s how SWTOR and Star Wars Galaxies Legends are celebrating May the 4th

You know, I'm not a holiday person generally, but for May 4th, I'll make an exception, as it's for Star Wars. As in May...

TERA is turning seven – here’s what it’s getting you for the occasion

Wow, it's hard to believe TERA is turning seven in May, but here we are. En Masse has plenty of fun planned too, including...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server teases upcoming Cloud City and Bespin content

Back in February, we covered Star Wars Galaxies Legends' intent to include Bespin - that'd be the gas giant where Lando's Cloud City is...
The elf is superfluous in this scenario.

The Daily Grind: Are you a murderhobo in MMORPGs?

I am not sure who first coined the term murderhobo, but I know I personally picked it up from Massively and MOP alum Jef...

Classic PlanetSide fans keep their favorite MMOFPS alive

While we have heard a lot about a certain superhero MMO recently that the community is attempting to resurrect, there are several other sunsetted...

Star Citizen swaps Around the Verse for Inside Star Citizen as it deep dives its own Cloud City

Around the Verse is back this week for Star Citizen fans, although it's gotten a bit of an overhaul: It's now called Inside Star...
Oh, cool.

SWG: Beyond is the latest in a long line of Star Wars Galaxies emulators

Is it rogue server week or something? Fans have now announced another privately run Star Wars Galaxies server, this one called SWG: Beyond. Longtime fans...

Dungeons and Dragons Online delays its Sharn expansion to mid-May

Disappointing news for players looking forward to playing Dungeons and Dragons Online's newest expansion next week: It's not going to happen. Next week, that...

Exclusive: MMORPG Astellia Online deep-dives its Warrior and Scholar classes

Korean-born Astellia has been hovering on the horizon for the last few years of its development as Barunson E&A - the majority owner of...

Today’s your last day to grab Guild Wars 2’s A Star to Guide Us for free

As we approach the final episode of the current Guild Wars 2 living world story, ArenaNet has been providing the earlier episodes of the...

Leaderboard: Do you plan to play on a City of Heroes rogue server?

I don't know whether people have guessed by now, but a lot of the City of Heroes screenshots we use here on Massively OP...

Global Chat: Can you play WoW Classic casually?

Over at Priest with a Cause, MMO blogger Shintar came up with a great question for those looking to play World of Warcraft's upcoming...