
See: Squadron 42


Star Citizen recounts November and December updates to NPC behavior, ships, rendering, and locations

If you were wondering what Star Citizen was up to at the end of last year but were concerned because there weren't any monthly...

Star Citizen heralds 2022 as a year of growth, touches on 3.18’s features and update plans for 2023

At the close of 2022, CIG's Chris Roberts put out another chairman's letter that looks back at Star Citizen's last year and ahead to...

Star Citizen’s Jumptown 2.0 holds a final round of events for the holidays ahead of its late January update

Care to spend the holiday season fighting other players in an illicit drug lab in space? Then you're set for Star Citizen's final hurrah...

Star Citizen recounts updates made in 2022 and summarizes features of alpha 3.18

It's just about that time of the year when folks recount 2022, and CIG has done just that in its latest video digest, which...

Star Citizen outlines 3.18’s upcoming ship balancing changes, quality-of-life features, and Jumptown tweaks

While alpha 3.18 of Star Citizen has some bigger ticket items planned like more spaceship racetracks and a refactoring of cargo, there are a...

Star Citizen kicks off another Luminalia holiday event and discusses Pyro sound design

The holiday season is arriving to Star Citizen as this year's Luminalia event is back once more. bringing a few in-game and out-of-game goodies...

Star Citizen talks about refining its internal build creation process and the Polaris interior

Star Citizen is talking tools again! The first half of the game's weekly video digest is all about improving internal builds as the devs...

Star Citizen unveils the multi-purpose RSI Galaxy and the C8R Pisces space ambulance

As Star Citizen's IAE event rolls forward, this week's video digest is once again focused on spaceships, particularly new ship reveals in the form...

Star Citizen takes a look at the new Drake Cutter starter ship and checks in on 600i interior remodeling work

With the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo free fly event now in full swing, the devs of Star Citizen are keen to show off some of...

Here’s what to expect from Star Citizen’s IAE free fly promo starting tomorrow

Try before you buy, whether it's a new shiny spaceship (with in-game or real world currency) or a starter pack! That's the primary thrust...

Star Citizen is all about its vehicles as the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo free fly event draws near

This Friday is a big deal for Star Citizen, especially if all of the excited flailing and screeching out of CIG is anything to...

Star Citizen deep-dives alpha 3.18’s racing features and courses

Last week, the devs of Star Citizen used half of its weekly Inside Star Citizen video digest to talk about a couple of the...

Star Citizen remarks on outposts and Pyro stations, showcases more new spaceship racetracks

Star Citizen's alpha 3.18 draws ever closer as it angles for a December release, so it would be unsurprising to learn that most of...

Star Citizen answers player questions about cargo in an AMA

Alpha 3.18 of Star Citizen is going all in on being Space FedEx with its big boxy cargo refactor update, and now that players...

Star Citizen’s alpha 3.18 will make space truck explosions a more persistent mess with its cargo refactor

If one of your favorite things to do is go space truckin' in Star Citizen, then you'll want to pay attention to this week's...

Star Citizen outlines work done for CitizenCon, alpha 3.18, and Arena Commander in October dev report

Star Citizen is checking back in once again with its customary monthly development report for October, which by and large focuses on things that...

Star Citizen begins spooling up hype for its next IAE free fly event, talks mission updates with the devs

The Interstellar Aerospace Expo, otherwise known as the big ticket free fly event from Star Citizen, has confirmed a calendar date: Friday, November 18th....

Video montage reminds fans that Star Citizen has been promising ship subsystem features for eight years

The Power Play presentation from Star Citizen's CitizenCon 2022 offered a demonstration of capital ship subsystems like power, gravity, and life support being futzed...

Star Citizen shares progress reports on new underground sprawls and the Gen 12 renderer

The hiatus for Star Citizen's quarterly video series is over this week as the latest episode is live, and this time around the topic...

Star Citizen reiterates anti-bigotry policy in response to toxic fan feedback on rainbow ship paint

Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium is once again having to tap the sign at its more unruly members of the community. A forum thread...