Last Oasis details a new hardpoint-based building system for its wooden Walkers
We're sure this is going to come as a surprise, but people took a PvP feature in the survival sandbox Last Oasis and just...
Fallout 76 elaborates on the new Expedition system coming soon to the PTS
If a faction has taken over a resort, turned it into a base of operations, and has access to a helicopter, you can bet...
Victorian survivalbox Nightingale talks up lore and promises more details soon
It's been a little while since we last checked in with Nightingale, the fascinating Victorian survival sandbox that promises portal-hopping fun. So what's been...
Not So Massively: Nothing can prepare you for Craftopia’s weirdness
While I like many survival mechanics, I've struggled to get into actual survival games. Despite that, I've kept one eye on the early access...
The MOP Up: MapleStory celebrates 17 years of two-dimensional adventuring
As of last month, it's been 17 years since MapleStory first released. To celebrate, Nexon released the Blooming Forest update with plenty of anniversary...
Perfect Ten: Why we need more post-apocalyptic MMOs
Ever since playing the original Wasteland back in the late '80, I've had a high fascination with post-apocalyptic settings. Yet it's not been the...
Last Oasis talks up new walker weapons, streamlined armor and damage types, and new robot friends
Last month we were all surprised as woodpunk survival sandbox Last Oasis decided to rise from its comms slumber and discuss new plans for...
Grab a key for tomorrow’s Dysterra beta on Steam, courtesy of Kakao
Kakao and Reality MagiQ are preparing for another big beta round for Dysterra, its survival MMO that mixes "solid first person shooting with sophisticated...
V Rising deep-dives the features of the vampiric castle ahead of its May 17 early access launch
You really can't call yourself a vampiric lord unless you're lording over a big gothic castle. Luckily, the survival sandbox V Rising got the...
Valheim previews the ruins and the bunnies of its upcoming Mistlands update
If there's two things I demand out of my survival sandbox game, it's the ruins of an ancient civilization and well-crafted hares; if you...
Skull and Bones tester leaks technical test footage of the game’s tutorial introduction
Starting off life as a pirate in Ubisoft's upcoming sandbox Skull and Bones will require players to get themselves acclimated, which generally means there's...
You can set yourself on fire to get around Fractured’s new temperature mechanics
MMOs with diurnal cycles - day and night phases - are a dime a dozen. But MMOs where those phases actually matter to gameplay?...
Fractured Veil talks up its level streaming tech, improves visuals, sieges, and construction UI
How can the survival sandbox of Fractured Veil recreate the lush jungle of Hawaii without turning computers into campfires? The answer is level streaming,...
Valheim celebrates over 10 million copies sold and talks up ongoing Mistlands update
It's been over a year since the Viking-themed survival sandbox Valheim entered early access, but that hasn't stopped it from building a dedicated community...
Stick and Rudder: Using No Man’s Sky Outlaws as a way to fill the space sandbox void
Hello Games just keeps on proving itself over and over again. That's been the overall reaction whenever No Man's Sky makes an update from...
Last Oasis emerges with plans for better mob AI and more creature types
When we wrote our "Whatever happened to Last Oasis?" piece last December, the conclusion was that this post-apocalyptic survival title was winding down in...
Post-apoc survival title Fractured Veil talks game engine and future plans
As Fractured Veil prepares to take us to Hawaii (aww) to wait out the apocalypse (wait what?) later this year, pressing questions have bubbled...
Whatever happened to survival sandbox Life Beyond? It went all-in on blockchain and NFTs
It's been a while since we checked in on survival sandbox Life Beyond, huh? The last time we looked at the game was back...
Fractured Veil adds more building pieces and new harvesting tools, preps to add more alpha testers
The Hawaiian post-apoc survival sandbox of Fractured Veil continues to grow. The game's most recent update has added several things of note including more...
The MOP Up: Funcom’s Dune Spice Wars comes to early access this month
While it's not Funcom's long-awaited massive open world RPG set in the same sci-fi universe, the studio's Dune Spice Wars is going to take...