tom clancy

The Division 2 gets a new Stronghold and World Tier on April 5

For those who have blitzed through The Division 2's current content to the top of the endgame heap... how? Do you blink? Are you...

One Shots: Selfish selfies

Hey! Hey man, what do you think you're doing? You're a bleeding Division agent, all right? You're the thin line that holds back anarchistic...
At least it's not political, right?

The Division 2 reflects on launch, looks toward the coming weeks in state-of-the-game address

Now that Division agents have been roaming the post-apocalyptic Washington, D.C. of The Division 2 for about a week, the folks at Ubisoft have...

The Daily Grind: Which ‘MMO-lite’ utilizes the best parts of the MMO genre?

One of the interesting twists and turns of the MMORPG market over the past decade is the rise of what we're starting to call...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that set themselves up as spiritual successors

As with the larger video game market, sequels aren't unknown in the MMO space. We've seen studios take a stab at following up successful...
Here we are.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 212: Harry Potter, progression servers, and No MMO’s Sky

Justin and Bree discuss the Harry Potter mobile MMOARG; progression servers for RIFT, LOTRO, and EverQuest; No Man's Sky's MMO ambitions; WoW 8.1.5; Blade & Soul's next big thing; and The Division 2's sleepy launch. With reader mail on factional divides, the death of playable races, and staying healthy while gaming.

Not So Massively: Welcoming a new era of online games and gaming

Hello, Massively Overpowered readers! Not So Massively is back, with a new captain at the helm. My name's Tyler. If you're active in the MMO...
Central division.

The Division 2 players datamine Dark Hours information as box sales get off to a slow start

Fans of The Division 2 have started to explore the game in the playing-for-keeps world of launch over the weekend, and the game's subreddit is...
The last of whoever.

The Division 2 fixes the Castle bug, offers wildly confusing preload chart ahead of launch

It's not quite launch for The Division 2 (that's tomorrow), but the game has dropped in a nice solid patch to fix lingering issues ahead...
But seriously, what's Damien's deal this week?

The Division 2’s early access begins as Ubisoft details the living world endgame

Early access is officially underway for The Division 2 for preorder buyers ahead of the formal launch this weekend. If you're in, you're already...
oh, wait, you're serious

Here’s what The Division 2’s ‘living world’ endgame is going to look like

If your body is ready for The Division 2's launch, better get your mind right too: Ubisoft ran a state-of-the-game stream this week, and...
The last of whoever.

The Division 2 releases one more trailer ahead of launch

We've had an open beta, so reason would stand that we're now nearing a full launch for The Division 2, but is a game...
This could be darker.

The Division 2 reveals its post-launch plans as it gears up for open beta

Although Ubisoft's upcoming MMO shooter The Division 2 isn't set to launch for another week and change, the studio is already setting its sights...
Forget it, back to the last place.

The Division 2’s open beta is coming this weekend, and it’s bringing all-new content

If you're interested in taking The Division 2 for a spin ahead of its March 15th release but weren't able to take part in...
It goes clicky.

Leaderboard: What’s your biggest beef with Anthem?

If you're still a little confused as to why EA would drop something like Apex Legends right as hype was reaching its peak for...
We never claimed to be saints.

Anthem is finally officially launched, to the tune of lukewarm reviews (plus the launch roadmap)

Anthem has finally, finally wound its way through all its early tests and early accesses and headstarts and other folderol to make it to...

The Division 2 has plenty to keep you occupied at endgame

With open beta right around the corner, The Division 2 is hoping to make a strong impression on the gaming community and make inroads...

Pirate TV: Ubisoft is making a Skull and Bones series

While it may be late to the pirate party, Skull and Bones is going to haul more than treasure and fire more than cannons...

The Division 2 elaborates on skills and specializations

If you're going to try to take back Washington D.C., you're going to need some skills to do it, and the agents of The...
Keep playing, darn it!

Ubisoft hits its Q3 earnings targets while betting big on The Division 2

Here's the bad news from the latest Ubisoft earnings call: The company's profits are down year-over-year. But that's about it in terms of bad...