
Dig it.

RuneScape adds in the new Archaeology skill for excavating and cleaning artifacts

We promise you, after this line there will be absolutely no jokes about whether or not you can "dig" the latest skill added to...
Probably without the album that slaps, too.

DC Universe Online brings out a Birds of Prey episode on April 16

If you haven't already seen the movie Birds of Prey, you can actually get that on streaming right now. That's cool. It also means...
A dispatch from the days when I bothered.

World of Warcraft adds in Legacy Loot mode for Legion raids and dungeons

As the saying goes, it's better late than never. Adding in Legacy Loot for World of Warcraft's prior expansion (Legion) certainly feels late at...
Pictured? Not me.

Final Fantasy XI offers a small April update and an egg-hunting event

Is there anything more on-brand for Final Fantasy XI than apologizing because this month's update is a bit smaller than usual? Probably not. According...

Final Fantasy XIV shows off the sound design that went into Shadowbringers in a new video

The sound design of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers was a strong part of the expansion from the moment the first trailer showed up at...
Song by Placebo.

OrbusVR is adding climbing and treasure hunts while bringing back escort quests

Since OrbusVR is a virtual reality game, there are certain limitations to jumping. After all, if you start jumping around in real life you...
I am not Iron Man.

PlanetSide 2 deploys Desolation tweaks and upgrades its east coast servers

Remember those previewed changes for PlanetSide 2 from its weekend test server? That was just a couple of days ago, but they were planned...
Now we remembered!

Blade & Soul launches the Forgotten Souls update today

Gosh, don't you hate when you're going from the Earth Realm to the Spirit Realm and you forget all your souls? Has that never...
Goodbye dignity.

Phantasy Star Online 2 alters the rewards of its Xbox Game Pass Ultimate perks

If you'd somehow managed to miss this fact, Phantasy Star Online 2 is currently live in North America as an Xbox One exclusive. That...
Years and years.

Star Trek Online makes its lower-tier ships all available for purchase with dilithium

With the advent of scaling ships in Star Trek Online, the first four ship tiers in the game have become far less relevant. Sure,...
Shooty bang-bang.

PlanetSide 2 plans for Desolation changes hitting the live servers this week

There was a playtest for PlanetSide 2 changes this past weekend, which ran a special Outfit Wars schedule on the test server to try...
Happiness is a warm car.

APB: Reloaded accidentally lets a player into its engine upgrade beta and talks more about the actual beta

Players of APB: Reloaded have been patiently awaiting the game's long-awaited engine upgrade, but as with any sort of big update not everyone is...
Pet action.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever changed your mind on an MMO expansion over time?

At the time Final Fantasy XI launched its second expansion, I loathed it. Not only did it offer no new jobs or the like, but it...
So steamy.

Steam adds in a new interactive recommendation feature

There are a lot of games on Steam. What the heck do you want to play? Valve is hoping to solve that particular problem...
So, are they fighting the future, or...

Marvel Future Fight adds in crossover content from House of X/Powers of X

Let's be honest, if you are not already familiar with the House of X/Powers of X storyline in the various X-Men books, there is...
Fair fights.

EVE Online rolls out faction war changes for testing

The latest changes to EVE Online's faction war system are not yet on the game's live server, but they are available for players to...
Much like forgetting about Dre.

Blade & Soul previews the item changes and treasure trove for its Forgotten Souls update

How could Blade & Soul have a Forgotten Souls update? Souls are right there in the title! You can't forget about them! Ah, well, it's...
Torgy torgy

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands gets another encrypted alpha build

If you're one of the World of Warcraft players eagerly awaiting more news about Shadowlands, you may be a bit nonplussed that the latest...
Shoulder touch.

World of Warcraft details the acquisition of currency to buy rank 3 Essences on alts

It was announced last week that players in World of Warcraft would get account-wide access to rank 3 Essences following repeated insistence that this...
Through the woods.

Camelot Unchained’s latest mini-update is all about incoming testing and Devout classes

There's still work being done on Camelot Unchained right now, and it's the sort of work that requires some devotion. See, one of the...