v rising

Enter to win a copy of the newly launched V Rising on Steam courtesy of Stunlock

With the full launch of V Rising and its 1.0 update today, Stunlock Studios has kindly granted MassivelyOP a stack of game keys to...

Second Wind: V Rising’s 1.0 build is a fangtastic revamp of the vampire survival sandbox

It doesn't seem possible that V Rising burst onto the scene almost two years ago, but here we are. I sometimes struggle to get...

V Rising stirs up hype for its 1.0 launch with new trailer and updated website

V Rising continues to make sure people are extremely aware that it's leaving early access on Wednesday, May 8th, and it's doing so with...

V Rising details gameplay waiting in the Ruins of Mortium, Valheim continues its Ashlands test

This is either a tale of two games that start with the letter V, two games that are working on new zones, or two...

V Rising has sold a whopping 4 million copies during its two-year early access

With V Rising poised for launch on May 8th - just over a month away, for those of you who are not so good...

V Rising unveils a crossover with Castlevania as part of its full May 8 release

Vampires and Castlevania go together like peanut butter and jelly, so it's not too beyond the pale for the vampiric survival sandbox V Rising...

V Rising will make its full 1.0 release to PlayStation 5 and bring controller support to Steam

The vampiric player characters of V Rising - and by extension developer Stunlock Studios - are setting forth for brand-new lands, as the studio...

V Rising plans end of early access in 2024 with a new zone, endgame events, and gameplay tweaks

V Rising is once more electing to talk about but not talk about future updates as its latest dev blog pirouettes through teases and...

V Rising hints at new enemies and a new endgame activity arriving in its next content patch

Stunlock Studios is once again using its latest dev blog to vaguely hint at what's coming next for V Rising, which means we're going...

V Rising hosts a PvP tournament with all game DLC as the grand prize October 28

The PvP contingent of V Rising players is being summoned forth by developer Stunlock Studios with the unveiling of the Crown Vampire Tournament, a...

V Rising’s next release will be its proper launch – and take a whole year of development

You'll have to do a lot of scrolling around in the latest V Rising dev blog to find the important bits, as Stunlock Studios...

It’s Gloomrot launch day! Enter to win a copy of V Rising and its Sinister Evolution DLC courtesy of Stunlock

Now that V Rising's Secrets of Gloomrot is live in the early access survival sandbox, Stunlock Studios has kindly granted MassivelyOP a stack of...

Early access survival sandbox V Rising has finally launched its first big update, Secrets of Gloomrot

Early access survival sandbox V Rising has had a quiet first year of existence after winning awards for its launch in 2022. Its first...

V Rising shares a newer and slightly longer Secrets of Gloomrot gameplay trailer

Was a minute and nine seconds too short of a preview from V Rising's Secrets of Gloomrot update? How about one minute and 48...

V Rising debuts a teaser trailer featuring Secrets of Gloomrot gameplay ahead of its May 17 release

The "expansion level" update headed to early access vampire survivalbox V Rising got a pretty important news drop today in the form of a...

V Rising names its May update patch Secrets of Gloomrot and talks up its ‘expansion-level’ features

Last month Stunlock Studios tried to spin a year-long content delay for the vampiric survival sandbox V Rising as a "free expansion" with features...
Sure, all right.

Betawatch: Gloria Victis enters the world of launched games

Many, many games that spend long enough in early access or a supposed beta basically just never wind up actually "formally" launching. (Looking at...

V Rising’s long-delayed first major update will finally arrive in May as a free expansion

So Stunlock Studios has good news and bad news for V Rising fans today. The good news is that it's talking more about its...

V Rising celebrates 3M sales since early access as players await its delayed content update

Vampire survival MMO V Rising is apparently still gathering all the monies and sales: Stunlock Studios just sent 'round the announcement that it's now...
Fracking! Yes? No.

Betawatch: Fractured Online adds in primal forms for Wildfolk

Is it completely a coincidence that after a new Transformers film trailer for Rise of the Beasts, Fractured Online has added a beast mode...